Chrysler closes it's doors

The article is a bit slanted, and represents in a way that is really kinda unfair.

Agreed. I blame the media for esasperating the whole economic mess. The constant gloom/doom reporting is only making matters worse. People with money are freaking out and waiting to see what will happen, and only making matters worse.
I also blame that idiot in the white house, for spending money like water. The "war" effort/rebuilding is one GIANT open checkbook, with ZERO return.

Well, let's see. Unemployment is at one point worse than when Clinton left Bush with a "booming economy".

94% of people have jobs. 96% of people are keeping their houses.
Sadam Hussein exterminated his own people and Iranians with chemical weapons, around the world these are known as WMD! He also vowed to get more! Yeah, I think we need to control mass mrderers

What would you call the deaths of 100's of thousands of innocent civillian Iraq's during the war then? We used WMD's too.
The middle eastern tribes, like a giant Hatfield?mc Coy fued has been going on for thousands of years. We are quite arrogent to think we can solve it.
If Iraq had no oil, there wouldn't be a war.
Sadam Hussein exterminated his own people and Iranians with chemical weapons, around the world these are known as WMD! He also vowed to get more! Yeah, I think we need to control mass mrderers

What would you call the deaths of 100's of thousands of innocent civillian Iraq's during the war then? We used WMD's too.
The middle eastern tribes, like a giant Hatfield?mc Coy fued has been going on for thousands of years. We are quite arrogent to think we can solve it.
If Iraq had no oil, there wouldn't be a war.

I never said we didn't posses or use WMD:confused2:

I'm sure glad we have them and not mass murderers like that good ole" Saddam Hussein.

What I DID say is that Bush is not responsible for Chrysler closing for a month! That's not even economics 101, that's elementary reasoning;)
Sadam Hussein exterminated his own people and Iranians with chemical weapons, around the world these are known as WMD! He also vowed to get more! Yeah, I think we need to control mass mrderers

What would you call the deaths of 100's of thousands of innocent civillian Iraq's during the war then? We used WMD's too.
The middle eastern tribes, like a giant Hatfield?mc Coy fued has been going on for thousands of years. We are quite arrogent to think we can solve it.
If Iraq had no oil, there wouldn't be a war.

I never said we didn't posses or use WMD:confused2:

I'm sure glad we have them and not mass murderers like that good ole" Saddam Hussein. [/COLOR

A bit off topic but.....
A friend of mine sent me these pix from Iraq a few years ago. Who says Saddam didn't have WMD's? You can see them right here. These were captured from the Iraqi's.
There isn't enough there to arm 1 B52. Hardly enough to invade a contry for.
How many rockets do you think it took to take out Halabja?

I dunno Marck, and I really don't want to argue about it. I just feel the whole nonsense was misrepresented to us and the world.
Some of these discussions are like arguing about DNA itself. Just too many variables mixed together that would take years to comprehend.
History will dictate the truith. And even that will have some bias too.
There isn't enough there to arm 1 B52. Hardly enough to invade a contry for.

Depends on what you arm them with. A few missiles with chemical warheads (which was that wonderful guy, Sadam Hussein's MO) could wipe out most countries in the Middle East.

Oh yeah, just a reminder, he also said that was his intention!

So is Sadam Hussein responsible for Chrysler closing for a month or Bush?
There isn't enough there to arm 1 B52. Hardly enough to invade a contry for.

Depends on what you arm them with. A few missiles with chemical warheads (which was that wonderful guy, Sadam Hussein's MO) could wipe out most countries in the Middle East.

Oh yeah, just a reminder, he also said that was his intention!
Ever see the "Mouse that roared"?

So is Sadam Hussein responsible for Chrysler closing for a month or Bush?

I think it was a hydroboost sucked into a Vortec head in the mail., maybe by a gas soaked shop-vac. How about you?
I can't wait to see where all this goes.

See my post in the other thread about the root causes of this pickle we are in, and the final factors leading up to this shituation.....

and what I think of our so called educational system....collective stupidity...
With the overwhelming evidence that has been provided here I guess I'm wrong. Saddam Hussein was a swell guy, he really didn't mean to kill 100's of 1000's of people, he was just kidding about using WMD's again and we really need to lighten up on these mass murdering despots that are really nice guys.

Oh yeah, and George Bush is responsible for everything bad and the world economy is based on the valuation of the US stock market.

So, now that I have been enlightened:

What about Chrysler closing it's doors?
With the overwhelming evidence that has been provided here I guess I'm wrong. Saddam Hussein was a swell guy, he really didn't mean to kill 100's of 1000's of people, he was just kidding about using WMD's again and we really need to lighten up on these mass murdering despots that are really nice guys.I never said that

Oh yeah, and George Bush is responsible for everything bad and the world economy is based on the valuation of the US stock market.
Never said that either
So, now that I have been enlightened:

What about Chrysler closing it's doors?

What about it Larry? What is your theory? State YOURS, so I can pick it apart.:smash:
This thread is not about my political opinions, it is about Chrysler shutting it's doors for a month.

You need to go back and read your posts, you DID say those things.

VetteMOD does not have a "Politics, Religion and Controversy" section for good reason. However, there are plenty of websites that do.

This thread is not about my political opinions, it is about Chrysler shutting it's doors for a month.

VetteMOD does not have a "Politics, Religion and Controversy" section for good reason. However, there are plenty of websites that do.


Chrysler is but a micro happening in the big picture, so to discuss just Chrysler by ignoring the elephant in the tent is a bit futile......

Chrysler is getting quashed with the rest of the mice, and it all boils down to complete and total Federal .gov mismanagement of even toilet paper, let alone anything larger a tissue issue.....
If you discussed EVERY event as though it was a resultant of a "macro" event you would never get anywhere. Here we are, connecting a month long shut down at Chrysler with the search for WMD. It's ridiculous and again, the reason why there is NO P,R & C section at VetteMOD.

I don't have any problem with discussing the shutdown of the the Chrysler plant WITHOUT irrelevant, off of the topic posting.
Must be that recent close full moon that has got B2B so upset.

Not really upset. Just stating how I feel for the sake of discussion. I am always open to other views, and take the discussion with a grain of salt. It's just harmless OT BS, not anything to get worked up over.:tomato: