did you guys not believe Obama when he told "Joe the plumber" he was going to spread the wealth around? do you not think when unions spend tens of millions of dollars to get someone elected there isn`t a payoff? You have seen Washington in action do you not think each and everyone of them is a crook? because I sure do.
I"'m tell you a little story, dunno I ever told it here, maybe once in PRC over the years....it's about me growing up in Wash Dc area, lived there 53 years....
I remember being in like 5-6th grade, and dad coming home really REALLY pissed one night...6pm, set your watch always on time, that was Dad, anyway I was in the living room mom/dad in the kitchen.....dad was rocked pissed, he shouted, 'I WON'T PAY the bastard'....I don't care if the whole damn plan goes down the toilet, I will not pay Senator X (I forget the name) but what it was about is that Dad was in the Insurance business, so he being GOOD at the game, knew the actuary tables and rates and margins of error and shit as good as anyone in the game at the home offices....risk assessment .....so he slaves over the bid for the US Dept of Interior, that's park and shit, land management/whatever.....thousands of workers/families....Dad was big into bulk merchandising of insurance, entire companies, associations, industries, sell to thousands at one shot, spread the risk around, same theory as what insurance is all about.....say like if they wrote the whole damn neighborhood full of houses for homeowners here, with ONE company, covering the entire layout, EVERYONE....bet my premium would be 1/2 what it is NOW.....type thing....
so anyway, he had the best plan, but some hill 'senator' had his hand out, it simply would not happen as he either paid that bastard or no go.....
our family would probably have been millionaires IF that had happened, but you know, Dad/mom was old school church every sunday types, and would not have ANYTHING to do with that type crap....so....they went with a lesser plan who DID pay senator X......
SO talking of crooks in DC, and then adding in Chicago background to the mix.....tell ME WTF is going on....Bullshit little EVA, I KNOW what is going on.....
Miami vice theme.....'the payoffs, ripoffs, things no body saw'....