Classic Industries WTF?

It was overrated, performance numbers and handling capabilities were greatly exaggerated.
No but it's the truth. The top speeds they claimed it would do? It never did. It doesn't handle well, the brakes are junk and I'm not a fan. I'll admit that. That old guy, the test driver from back then even admitted that the cars maxxed out their top speed well before the claimed figures. What a load of BS. Like anything from the UK it's an overrated POS. That's what them Brits do...they beat themselves on the chest thinking they are the best when in reality it's all junk. German engineering that's where it's at. Not at millbrook or wherever. Pip pip cheerio old chap! tea time LOL

So...I probably upset a few Britons here LOL Flak jacket on ;)

Oh, this was a half nice E type.....saw it in Flagstaff



YearOne? A buddy of mine bought some wheels there. I have ordered there sometime in the past. Was about a similar experience to Eckers.