Custom headlights project

'69 Custom Headlights

I like the ideas that have been expressed in Twin Turbo's thread about using the Hella lamp assemblies, but hadn't considered using the old flip-up headlight assemblies that BBShark is using to mount the Hellas into.

I bought the Eckler kit and put it in, then didn't like it because it seemed to be the only option on the market for custom headlights, so I set out to do my own. A friend of mine in FL had bought a set of aluminum buckets, so when I was there to visit, I took all the dimensional info and plan to make a layout drawing to use 2 headlights with 1 directional in the same housing...have bought the Hella 90mm units (hi & lo) and am looking for a round directional the same size that will look good with the Hellas.

Sorry Guys...I just can't seem to get the hang of posting pictures into the'll just have to look at my photos.
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And for those who wish to retain the pop-up headlights but don't want them to come up as high. Here is a design using the Hella modules, headlight doors open about half way.





BBShark, if it's not too much to ask, do you have the dimensions of the headlight lids for your rendering? I am trying to make a hammerform of the lids and if you have the dimensions it would save me a bunch of time.
I can get the dimensions from the drawing but they are 68 lids. These are slightly smaller than later. I do have some 69-up lids that I can measure if that would help.

I could measure the curvature of the surface also. I know the back of the lid is a 100 inch radius and the very front is less. There is also a flatter radius from side to side. Let me know what you need.
I am trying to make it for a '77 so it would be 69-up. If you could get the dimensions and the curvature that would be awesome. I am going to try to make the hammerform next week but my headlight lids are two states away. Thanks for the help.
Here are the radii. The very front of the cover has a smaller radius than the rear. The radius changes where the yellow line is. I will get a dimensioned drawing tonight and post it.

Hi Guys, I like the OEM style flip-up with the Hellas too. The main reason I dislike the originals is they just stick up to high and are like having a Nascar roof flap to slow the vehicle on front. At least lowering them should make them have less drag and not be as ugly either.

I think I will attempt this on my project '80. I know I'm a ways from this but you have to plan ahead and acquire the parts and info long before the piece bolts on.

I still have a set of new Gulstrand lens somewhere around here I got a couple of years ago. I never got to make the buckets, but I did geta template from the original Gulstrand Aluminum buckets before Mike sold the car. So I have options, but I like the flip-ups.

I have information stored from the CF on an electric actuator conversion from a Firebird and had considered using that setup if I went with the OEM style flip ups. Any new and /or easier method on that approach? Jim
That was just what I needed to design a retainer ring for the lexan. I'm going to have this cnc punched and then it's going to be bonded on the underside of the front clip with recessed socket screws throuigh the lexan covers :)

Yes,this car has been running the streets in NL since last year.


very interesting! If you have close-ups, i would be thankfull.

Looks great. Did you choose not to put on lenses?

gr, dennis
There are detailed pics in v-twins build thread in projects, 77 pro touring vette.

What dutch corvetteforum?

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can't open link, have to register...but I know the site

I had it like this but changed it so that the low beam stays on even with the high beam, otherwise there would be a short delay and no lights at all. This isn't even legal now since the low beam should be on the outside