Custom Interiors is better to spend the money one time on REAL carbon fiber and it will last a lifetime.

:lol: Yeah - Team Australia in San Diego(on the bottom and un-recoverable), Team NZ in Auckland (Boom bashed), F1s, etc. :lol:​

Just funnin'ya there. But then again most everything has its own lifetime warranty - just when it breaks - its through...​

Keep us all posted on prices and progress - sounds like a fun project -- might save me from that build myself! Bigger pictures too - please.

Cheers - Jim

When attempting to "funnin 'ya", please write understandable english. I haven't any clue what your reply meant.

As far as the strength of the carbon fiber goes, the parts will be very strong, certainly strong enough to handle a weakling like Durango, should he attempt to prop saggy Sarah on the center console and work her over. A healthy chested woman could be a problem due to the pendulum affect but that saggy bench wh0re could plop, flop and bounce 'til they drop and never cause a crack.

Of course, we cannot allow Durango to infiltrate the market and end up with the same cool carbon fiber interior parts that some of us will have or their value could plummet. Supernerds can depreciate material things just as criminals and degenerates can lower neighborhood home values.
Just a quick reply as to what I meant:
It was a good natured jab - at the Lifetime that CF projects will last. Not intended to be unclear - maybe I was having some unecessary fun with that particular statement. Regarding the Team AUS and Team NZ - both sufferend major CF failures - pushing to a limit in design. [I didn't add the numerous masts and poles].

Ich macht ein bischen spas? (speil/en fit better here...) (macht past tence for mache?)
Sorry, my german is rusty and I also only guess from "der Bismark" it might be appropriate but I did mistake the Florida linkage, hense the confusing "funnin'ya - as "funning"- you i.e., having you on as they'd say downunder. Just a good natured poke - sorry if it misled, injured, or confused.

My appologies -- if so.

On the other hand -- I think crap products will always be recognized as that - crap - if the price is too good to be true, well might not be true.

If your friend's comes in with the good quality and fair price -- he could do well in a niche market.

Cheers - Jim
Don't mess with Der Bismark, er mag es nicht, wenn man Spass macht. Vielleicht geht er zum lachen in den Keller?

my german is also a little rusted. Past tense for "machen" is "machte" but it's better to use "habe gemacht"

fair price?? I believe that somebody who spends that much money on a car and then has nothing better to do than replacing the center console very likely does not worry about the pricetag LOL
He never intended on building them for corvettes. However, he is a close friend of mine and I think I can get him to build them as long as the market is there so that he does not take a bath. He will only make them of the highest quality. That's the type of person he is. The original C3 interior is junk and the carbon fiber replacements would be a significant improvement.

I like what you and your friend are planning. You guys know what the cost of replacement door panels from the various vendors are like. Then imagine converting to another currency and (air) freighting them to the other side of the world. Then pay import taxes and handling charges by the Customs agent. The parts become very expensive and when all is said and done, all they are is pressed pieces of cardboard!

Carbon fibre parts would be more expensive, but much lighter in weight and this would affect the freight costs. So the overall price landed in somewhere like Australia might not be too much different from that of a standard component.

Keep us posted.

Regards from Down Under:drink:
