I just received some news that many of you will feel is long overdue. A moderator informed me that DB has been removed from CF forever. Maybe someone here has an idea what he did to result in this action?

Those who were protecting him are the real problem. How about a public apology from those individuals ??
I agree. Several mods would need to get banned before they could clean up the cesspool over there.
Why did they ban him anyways ? I heard that after all the so called "troublemakers" left they were happy over there.
Why did they ban him anyways ? I heard that after all the so called "troublemakers" left they were happy over there.

They say that every time one of us "troublemakers" gets banned.

I've been banned since Oct, I never go back, but I must have left some impression. I understand there were recent threads there about me, four months later.
Why did they ban him anyways ? I heard that after all the so called "troublemakers" left they were happy over there.

They say that every time one of us "troublemakers" gets banned.

I've been banned since Oct, I never go back, but I must have left some impression. I understand there were recent threads there about me, four months later.

Nah, you mistaken, we talk about you over here, don't want you to MISS anything afterall......


not that I watch much C3 over there anyway at this point....so I missed yo name bein' mentioned....

Why did they ban him anyways ? I heard that after all the so called "troublemakers" left they were happy over there.

They say that every time one of us "troublemakers" gets banned.

I've been banned since Oct, I never go back, but I must have left some impression. I understand there were recent threads there about me, four months later.

Nah, you mistaken, we talk about you over here, don't want you to MISS anything afterall......


not that I watch much C3 over there anyway at this point....so I missed yo name bein' mentioned....


You'd have to look in C4. Within the last two weeks I got an emial that there was a thread where I became the subject.

Big nutswingers like to talk about people when they're banned.
Now who is going to start a "Where is DB" thread over "there"?:D

Well...I would but...they would probably ban me from being banned??? Hey...maybe that's my ticket back into that cluster F:crutches:
Awww. now I'm sad

Now who is going to start a "Where is DB" thread over "there"?:D
I think I'll go start a " Where's D_B I need help with my speakers " thread.
Let us know when you do so we can see how quickly they sanitize it. Or maybe they won't since their Superhero isn't who they thought he was after all. Maybe you'll just get a PM from a friendly mod:bonkers:

Looks like he will be the new C3 guru over there! Maybe he will do a technical paper on how to add a second windshield wiper pump (I see he posted a picture of this technical breakthrough):rofl:

Then he can do a test between the two pump method and the sigle pump method. Demonstrating that you can clean off the toughest of Cicada bugs with a dual pump system. Demonstrating its effectiveness by placing water soluble substance on the windshield of the car and using new wipers.

Car 2 can have one pump, old wipers, and bugs mashed into the surface of the windshield.

Then everyone can stand around and slap him on the back.

Then when someone points out it's rigged, they can be banned and told to go fuck themselves.

Nah, too far fetched.:twitch::kissass:
I just received some news that many of you will feel is long overdue. A moderator informed me that DB has been removed from CF forever. Maybe someone here has an idea what he did to result in this action?

I wonder if any of the advertising sponsors had anything to do with this?
You know the old saying "money talks and screw the rest of you!". Could it have been a ego thing, until it cost them some money?
I just received some news that many of you will feel is long overdue. A moderator informed me that DB has been removed from CF forever. Maybe someone here has an idea what he did to result in this action?

I wonder if any of the advertising sponsors had anything to do with this?
You know the old saying "money talks and screw the rest of you!". Could it have been a ego thing, until it cost them some money?

I suspect we will never know...or even if he "has" been banned. I'm the type that requires proof...which is a lot of the reason him and I didn't see eye to eye...so to speak:eek:
WELL, lets assume it's true...ok....so at THIS juncture of events....WHY was he band...??

Awww. now I'm sad

Now who is going to start a "Where is DB" thread over "there"?:D
I think I'll go start a " Where's D_B I need help with my speakers " thread.
Let us know when you do so we can see how quickly they sanitize it. Or maybe they won't since their Superhero isn't who they thought he was after all. Maybe you'll just get a PM from a friendly mod:bonkers:

Just started a thread in C3 general. About 7:20 central time
Awww. now I'm sad

Now who is going to start a "Where is DB" thread over "there"?:D
I think I'll go start a " Where's D_B I need help with my speakers " thread.
Let us know when you do so we can see how quickly they sanitize it. Or maybe they won't since their Superhero isn't who they thought he was after all. Maybe you'll just get a PM from a friendly mod:bonkers:

Just started a thread in C3 general. About 7:20 central time