OH MY! never herd of such a thing before,how could anybody only watch TV in black & white :bonkers:

I dunno...it was before my time.....:D[/QUOTE]

Ah, you young punks dunno nuttin, 'less it has a computer attached to it.....


Shit I ain't that old 46, grew-up some with black and white and three channels with an arial on the roof. When we changed channels some one had to run upstairs and reach out the window to turn the pipe for the arial to get the next channel in better. When the folks lost sound in the tv they bought one o them new color units that came in em big bureaus without drawers. Thats when I learned I was color blind :banghead:so as for as I see there's still black and white.

As for the dead sound TV, brother and I took the cover of the back and followed the speaker wires back to a tube that had four or six pins in it and started crossing it with a paper clip :yahoo: we had tinny sound good enough.
May have been the first in our neck-o-da-woods with a remote control. Glued old fishing rods to the knobs, that came to our bunkbed. To turn the arial for our room was ropes and pullies. Had two PBS channels and one local that broadcast hockey games in french.

Any remember BENNY HILL?

Any remember BENNY HILL?

Benny Hill was GREAT!!! I'm a big fan of his.He was on channel 13 in New York. Oh boy the $hit he used to get away with & remember the Benny Hill angels? They were like porn stars to us 13 year old boys back then.Jane Leevy(Dafnee) from the TV show Fraser(not sure of the spelling) was a Benny Hill angel.

Jane Leevy


Heres a cute one
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Read post #43. WTF is this guy on:bonkers:[/QUOTE]

db kool-aid what else? it must be contagious all those sheep drink from the same trough...

read the first three words from post #47 in the link above? he`s over at C-G playing the sympathy card claiming he doesn`t know why he was banned and no one will tell him...poor poor db, still the lying piece of shit...

Read post #43. WTF is this guy on:bonkers:
Being honest about what? His past criminal history? You mean they finally found it?:D
Now look at posts # 45, 46 & 47..... The little Napoleonic prick moderators just can't stand it if you don't toe the line. "That just earned you some vacation time". Nothing inflammatory was said there.
Pewter 99 is the FAG that banned me for not responding to his PM fast enough. Then there is the "turd" Irish Mac (another FAG). Those guys are power trippin' big time - one day it will all catch up to them.:hunter: If I was them I'd be AFRAID to go to public events for fear that someone would recognize me and punch my lights out for being so god damned arrogant!
I hope that it happens some day!

They supported DB and all of his misinformation for so long, banning anyone who DARED challenge their AUTHORITY. DUMB SHITS!

I know - I rant a bit, I just hate the way they run things over there. I am much happier HERE!

No, his "product" is a poorly made etched plate with a crossed flags logo.

Wow. That's in the C3 Tech section over there. Bolting a Cobra replica gas lid on your C3 must be more difficult than I thought.
That fuel cap , looks like it belongs on my Semi.... Looks like shit on a vette! , note "I know Bling"

Guess it's a matter of taste. I installed one on the 71 I had and liked the look

Kevin probably meant to say, it looks like shit on a green car ;)

Cherry do you mean the LeMans style cap or the flat and poorly made lid.... ???

I'll back Cherry up on this. I can't believe you guys think that thing (yes the LeMans dildo looking one) looks great. At least the flat ones are not quite as gaudy.