DC got sold

now wait a minute, u mean if I sell my company I have to give up my cars?
NFW I'm selling without the cars & a complete set of spares for historical research purposes. :D
As Charlton Heston said - you get them, when my cold fingers ...

Gene - I know what you mean. I've had lots of folk, from printers to painters to vendors to manufacturers Fk up. Most often they were not Bernie Madoff crooks. Thou there are a few I may wish a pox upon
now wait a minute, u mean if I sell my company I have to give up my cars?
NFW I'm selling without the cars & a complete set of spares for historical research purposes. :D
As Charlton Heston said - you get them, when my cold fingers ...

Gene - I know what you mean. I've had lots of folk, from printers to painters to vendors to manufacturers Fk up. Most often they were not Bernie Madoff crooks. Thou there are a few I may wish a pox upon

I'm pretty sure all you HAVE to do is pay taxes and die. The rest is optional.:smash:
now wait a minute, u mean if I sell my company I have to give up my cars?
NFW I'm selling without the cars & a complete set of spares for historical research purposes. :D
As Charlton Heston said - you get them, when my cold fingers ...

Gene - I know what you mean. I've had lots of folk, from printers to painters to vendors to manufacturers Fk up. Most often they were not Bernie Madoff crooks. Thou there are a few I may wish a pox upon

I'm pretty sure all you HAVE to do is pay taxes and die. The rest is optional.:smash:

I think in this country you have the added privilege of paying taxes after you die also.......what a country
And since last Sunday, you also get to pay for Healthcare- or pay a penalty for not having it. On the flip side, if your income is low enough, the rest of the taxpayers will pick it up FOR you.
Yeah, but he kept the cars and the other goodies the membership bought for him just like Troy kept the "server" money

etc. etc.

Excuse the fuck outta me. So you're saying if you build a business and other people voluntarily buy into it and then you sell it for a profit and want to keep your profits, YOU SHOULD GIVE BACK ALL THE 'PROFIT' YOU MADE?????
(I wish I knew how to do 'multiple quotes' cause I would do it here, but I ain't gonna bother to spend the time at this moment to try to learn it but there are 'multiple quotes' I would put in here!)
Patrick or Troy or whoever made you cry on the toilet this morning while you wiped off your pussy with tears falling down your brokenhearted breast.

Give me a motherfucking break you twotiming hypocritical punks.

You're just pissed because nobody made this offer to you. Go jack off to Glen Beck, he'll comfort you I'm sure.
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you know what I think it is ..

some folk are taken in by the homey, buddy-buddy, back slapping, pal treatment they get from the headmaster. And your absolutely right: no one twisted their arm, well maybe peer pressure.

the unctuous & slobbering comradeship, belonging & doing something benevolent for the "community" for the benefit of all - fk it sounds like 0bamacare.

but while you are at it, could you please send me your paypal number because professional support from vendors is not enough to monetize this venture nor support my lifestyle of thrashing a C5 or C6 & acting cool - so please donate & get your friend too also donate.

Then it's: OK guys, I'll see you later. Thanks for paying so I can get to the next level of sure fire internet riches.

Perhaps I shouldn't talk, but at least my customers get something tangible, and this is my 32nd year as a simple store merchant under the same trade name. Maybe I should sell karma & blingtones, etc, then I can retire to serious movie making & frivolity with the biggest ti**ed woman with scanty dress that I can find who will lure in some more paypal $ under the pretext of Corvettes & ass. Aahhhhh it's only bits & bytes.

you know what I think it is ..

some folk are taken in by the homey, buddy-buddy, back slapping, pal treatment they get from the headmaster. And your absolutely right: no one twisted their arm, well maybe peer pressure.

the unctuous & slobbering comradeship, belonging & doing something benevolent for the "community" for the benefit of all - fk it sounds like 0bamacare.

but while you are at it, could you please send me your paypal number because professional support from vendors is not enough to monetize this venture nor support my lifestyle of thrashing a C5 or C6 & acting cool - so please donate & get your friend too also donate.

Then it's: OK guys, I'll see you later. Thanks for paying so I can get to the next level of sure fire internet riches.

Perhaps I shouldn't talk, but at least my customers get something tangible, and this is my 32nd year as a simple store merchant under the same trade name. Maybe I should sell karma & blingtones, etc, then I can retire to serious movie making & frivolity with the biggest ti**ed woman with scanty dress that I can find who will lure in some more paypal $ under the pretext of Corvettes & ass. Aahhhhh it's only bits & bytes.


AHH, U picked up on that too, eh???

Yeah, but he kept the cars and the other goodies the membership bought for him just like Troy kept the "server" money

etc. etc.

Excuse the fuck outta me. So you're saying if you build a business and other people voluntarily buy into it and then you sell it for a profit and want to keep your profits, YOU SHOULD GIVE BACK ALL THE 'PROFIT' YOU MADE?????
(I wish I knew how to do 'multiple quotes' cause I would do it here, but I ain't gonna bother to spend the time at this moment to try to learn it but there are 'multiple quotes' I would put in here!)
Patrick or Troy or whoever made you cry on the toilet this morning while you wiped off your pussy with tears falling down your brokenhearted breast.

Give me a motherfucking break you twotiming hypocritical punks.

You're just pissed because nobody made this offer to you. Go jack off to Glen Beck, he'll comfort you I'm sure.

To bad you don't read things before you run your mouth. I'll recap it for you.

Howard said:

I am impressed Patrick offered anyone who became a supporting member a refund which is more than that tightwad Troy offered anyone at CF, that prick kept all the money he cried he needed for the server upgrade once he sold out.

I responded:

Yeah, but he kept the cars and the other goodies the membership bought for him just like Troy kept the "server" money

Tell me why that statement bothers you so much? Is it not factual? Here is a hint, both Howards and my statement describe something that happened BEFORE CF or DC were sold. They are a comparison, nothing to do with what was done with the sale money. I could care less what Troy or Patrick does with their money. Are you off your meds or are you just the kind of nutjob the doesn't read things before publishing your insane tirades?
To bad you don't read things before you run your mouth. I'll recap it for you.

Howard said:

I am impressed Patrick offered anyone who became a supporting member a refund which is more than that tightwad Troy offered anyone at CF, that prick kept all the money he cried he needed for the server upgrade once he sold out.

I responded:

Yeah, but he kept the cars and the other goodies the membership bought for him just like Troy kept the "server" money

Tell me why that statement bothers you so much? Is it not factual? Here is a hint, both Howards and my statement describe something that happened BEFORE CF or DC were sold. They are a comparison, nothing to do with what was done with the sale money. I could care less what Troy or Patrick does with their money. Are you off your meds or are you just the kind of nutjob the doesn't read things before publishing your insane tirades?


OK I'll apologize about my comment about crying on the toilet--that's the kind of banter that me & my friends toss back & forth all the time, but it doesn't come across the same when typed. Sorry.

And yeah I broke a rule of mine about not posting when I'm -uh- ON my....meds.

But it just pissed me off to see people (Plural: hence "multiple posts") getting down on Patrick and Troy for selling businesses they built for a profit. That's what it's all about in America, isn't it? To make a profit, pure and simple.

And yeah, many people --oh! not just here!--regard me as somewhat of a nutcase :nuts: but hey, someone has to try to fill Turtle's shoes & keep things lively! :rolleyes: (even though we may have different political views)

(and one of these days, soon I hope, I'll get back into my car and be able to participate here in more techinical ways: the reason I like VM best. But for a while now I got other shit happening in my life which keeps it very interesting and my car is not a priority at the moment)

:footmouth: John

OK I'll apologize about my comment about crying on the toilet--that's the kind of banter that me & my friends toss back & forth all the time, but it doesn't come across the same when typed. Sorry.

And yeah I broke a rule of mine about not posting when I'm -uh- ON my....meds.

But it just pissed me off to see people (Plural: hence "multiple posts") getting down on Patrick and Troy for selling businesses they built for a profit. That's what it's all about in America, isn't it? To make a profit, pure and simple.

And yeah, many people --oh! not just here!--regard me as somewhat of a nutcase :nuts: but hey, someone has to try to fill Turtle's shoes & keep things lively! :rolleyes: (even though we may have different political views)

(and one of these days, soon I hope, I'll get back into my car and be able to participate here in more techinical ways: the reason I like VM best. But for a while now I got other shit happening in my life which keeps it very interesting and my car is not a priority at the moment)

:footmouth: John

No problem, it would be good to get back to the cars. If I could ever get done with the ongoing house remodel, I could probably spend some quality time in the garage.

OK I'll apologize about my comment about crying on the toilet--that's the kind of banter that me & my friends toss back & forth all the time, but it doesn't come across the same when typed. Sorry.

And yeah I broke a rule of mine about not posting when I'm -uh- ON my....meds.

But it just pissed me off to see people (Plural: hence "multiple posts") getting down on Patrick and Troy for selling businesses they built for a profit. That's what it's all about in America, isn't it? To make a profit, pure and simple.

And yeah, many people --oh! not just here!--regard me as somewhat of a nutcase :nuts: but hey, someone has to try to fill Turtle's shoes & keep things lively! :rolleyes: (even though we may have different political views)

(and one of these days, soon I hope, I'll get back into my car and be able to participate here in more techinical ways: the reason I like VM best. But for a while now I got other shit happening in my life which keeps it very interesting and my car is not a priority at the moment)

:footmouth: John

No problem, it would be good to get back to the cars. If I could ever get done with the ongoing house remodel, I could probably spend some quality time in the garage.

I used to do that for a living,many houses from basement through roof....

curious what you doing....post another thread, so as I can see it...pix, if you can please....


OK I'll apologize about my comment about crying on the toilet--that's the kind of banter that me & my friends toss back & forth all the time, but it doesn't come across the same when typed. Sorry.

And yeah I broke a rule of mine about not posting when I'm -uh- ON my....meds.

But it just pissed me off to see people (Plural: hence "multiple posts") getting down on Patrick and Troy for selling businesses they built for a profit. That's what it's all about in America, isn't it? To make a profit, pure and simple.

And yeah, many people --oh! not just here!--regard me as somewhat of a nutcase :nuts: but hey, someone has to try to fill Turtle's shoes & keep things lively! :rolleyes: (even though we may have different political views)

(and one of these days, soon I hope, I'll get back into my car and be able to participate here in more techinical ways: the reason I like VM best. But for a while now I got other shit happening in my life which keeps it very interesting and my car is not a priority at the moment)

:footmouth: John

Next time don't sugar coat it. Tell us how you REALLY feel.:devil:

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