Whenever I order Domino's out here, I have to repeatedly specify TRADITIONAL CUT otherwise the morons use their "default" cut which is called Chicago cut - which is cutting a large ROUND pizza into 2 inch SQUARES.
Chicago cut WTF is that all about??
Dickheads :cussing:
Being a Chicago native, we always had our Pizza cut into squares. I have no idea why it is cut that way.
Dep is from that area...I think....what say you Dep?
When I moved out here, I was suprised to see huge wedged shape cuts.
all our pizzas were cut in squares when I was in Chicago and northern suburbs. When I got to Silver City everything was cut like a pie.
I have a scientific theory on the "square cut" (never heard of it called a Chicago cut). My theory is that pizzas in Chicago are always hot out of the oven when you eat them. The center area always has more cheese than the outer edges. And the cheese seems to stay a lot
hotter than the outer edges. So if you eat a pizza that is pie cut, every frigging pie slice is gonna burn the shit out of your tongue if you start at the pointy section of the slice. Oh yeah....any a-hole that eats a "pie slice" of pizza from any part
other than the pointy section is queer and should be shunned.
Now the square cut pizza has little sections that can usually be eaten immediately. If you go to Barnaby's for pizza, the smell is just plain awesome when that pizza is sitting on the table in front of you. So the temptation to immediately begin eating is overwhelming. The
ONLY pieces you can eat (unless you have an asbestos mouth) are teeny tiny pieces that are on the edge of the pizza. These pieces are a result of the square cut.
Unfortunately, the only pizza places in my town are Dominos and Pizza Hunt. They
never serve hot pizza!!! Geez I miss Barnaby's. Smokin'...you don't know how lucky you are to have such a fantastic choice in places to go for quality pizza. There is a place up in Waukegan, IL that has pizza made with Scamorza cheese. That cheese has to be the gooiest, stringiest cheese ever made. But the taste is fantastic.
Oops...I see Smokin' doesn't live in Chicago any more. So he is deprived just as I am.
And yes...I am a pizza connoisseur.