Do C3 upper control arms have any anti-dive?


Garage Monkey
Staff member
Mar 5, 2008
Right here
Do C3 upper control arms have any anti-dive? If not, what is optimal?

Edit: just looked and can see they do. Looks minimal
Brake location is a factor too. I think the c6 style placement is best.


Here is the rear, tougher than front. Really well done.
Here's how he did the front. More photos at link above.


Brake location is a factor too. I think the c6 style placement is best.

I don't see how the rear caliper has any effect on dive. Perhaps there is moment of inertia benefit from moving it closer to the pivot point?
Brake location is a factor too. I think the c6 style placement is best.

I don't see how the rear caliper has any effect on dive. Perhaps there is moment of inertia benefit from moving it closer to the pivot point?

The rear brakes exert tangential forces on the rotor. If placed correctly it helps control the rear suspension motion and body motion. So you are right, it really isn't anti dive. But, perfect front suspension anti dive with excessive rear end lift would be an issue.

All I've done are fairly simple free body diagrams, but they agree with The z06 placement. I'm sure there are more sophisticated calculations.

Very clever how he installed the rear calipers. Definitely need offset ta's.
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Post number 2, general discussion of effect (link above).

Out of curiosity I looked at 911's and Vipers. All had front brakes in the aft position. 911's had rear brakes positioned similar to z06's. Viper rear brakes flipped in 2013, and one article said they completely redesigned the rear and wanted a link where the brake had been, so they moved the brake on the rear. Probably more to it than that, but that's how the author explained it.