

Fast Pedalphile
Nov 3, 2008
Southern New Jersey, USA
Thought I would start a non-politics thread and share some pics of our dogs, all 5 of 'em.

Here's Ralph, 14 years old this past September, he's a Black Lab Shepard mix.

This is Rusty, about 10 years old, he's a Chow Shepard mix. Rusty was rescued from the local animal shelter.

Koko - short for Kokopelli, is 3 and was bred by another Corvette owner/enthusiast (Dave) in Arizona. We took a cross country road trip in '06 to visit Dave and wound up adopting Koko from him. Koko is a Miniature Pinscher. On the way back from Az. we stopped in Memphis, Tennessee on a Friday night for dinner. We had to eat at restaurant that had outside tables because we had Koko who was only 6 weeks old at the time. What a chick magnet! I had more Boobies thrust in my face that night than I could handle. All these chicks would walk up and bend over to see Koko who was in my lap and coo over her, all I could do was enjoy the cleavage, er - I mean scenery!

This is Kitty, about 6 years old, I let my daughter name her. She said "wouldn't it be cool to have a dog with a cats name?" Poor Kitty....
Kitty, best as I can tell, is a Border Collie Shepard mix. Kitty was rescued from the mean streets of Camden NJ where as a pup she was being prepped to be a bait dog for the pit bulls. She was abused and not properly cared for. She is the most loving and caring dog I have ever known, but she is also very scrappy - she and Rusty got into it one day and she tore his butt up but good, scared me good too. When I first saw her on the streets in Camden she ran up to me and let me pick her up (she was just a pup) and started licking my face. The neighbors told me of her predicament and encouraged me to take her home, which I of course did!

And finally we have Blue and Earthquake, our Greyhounds. Unfortunately Earthquake, the tan one, passed this spring from natural causes. Blue is a sweet and playful dog, especially for a Greyhound. Blue is 9 years old and hopelessly in love with Kitty.
Thank you for posting these wonderful pics:thumbs:

Dogs will give you all their love unconditionally:friends:

I lost my old dogs some years ago and there are still times I cry for them.
Nice pics. Dinnertime must be interesting at your place!

Here's a pic of Oreo. He is a Boston Terrier and a very smart and friendly dog.

Oreo looks extremely smart, either that or you are holding a piece of bacon...(JK) Yes, dinner time is a challenge. The Greyhound eats slowest, the Min Pin and Collie mix eat fast and try to steal his food so we have to supervise them closely. Old man Ralph is at the stage where he poops as soon as he is done eating so he has to get hustled out the door quick fast and in a hurry before he deposits something in the house.
They are wonderful companions and all have their unique personalities but I have to admit - it's tough to plan a vacation or spend any time away from the house, they are a real commitment. Don't you worry though, I wouldn't change a thing!

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Here is Luca (short for Luca Brasi, yes from the godfather) our cavalier-king-charles-spaniel. He is almost 2 years old now. He is always waiting for me at the front door when he hears the vette coming down the street and into the driveway. :D

Here is Luca (short for Luca Brasi, yes from the godfather) our cavalier-king-charles-spaniel. He is almost 2 years old now. He is always waiting for me at the front door when he hears the vette coming down the street and into the driveway. :D


That's funny, if Linda is gone most of the day, it don't matter which car she driving...the Miata or the it seems she is down the street maybe 30 seconds worth....and her Chiwawa gets up and starts scrambling around, then the cats start the same routine....all 3 cats and the dawg are in the l/r awaiting the arrival.....

if it's ME in the vette, they could give a shit....

we know who is important....


that damn dawg can hear a gnat fart in Siberia.....
Here's our two dogs.


Katie is the big dog on the right. She's a German Shepherd/Husky mix. I got her at the animal shelter a few years ago.
Maddie is the Rat Terrier on the left (my wife picked her out from a rescue shelter). Despite the fact that we live in Florida, it's still too cold quite often for Maddie, hence the sweater. The two dogs get along great, and insist on tagging along whenever I go anywhere. I got tired of all the dog fur on the seats, so I got a dog hammock for the back. Now I don't care how much they shed, or if their paws are muddy.
The above picture is them just hanging out. Quite often I just leave the truck back door open for them to get in and hang out when they want.
That's quite the crew you have there. You sir are a better man then I. I could never take the utter chaos that can ensue with that many dogs. Sadly I had to put my best bud down in June and I still miss that old guy.


Wow, 5 dogs! I can understand it would be difficult to organise a trip away :twitch:

Here's Buddy, the retired explosives sniffer. The company my wife works for retire their security dogs at 9 years old and you can put your name down on a list to "adopt" one. We've had him a bit over 2 years now and I can't remember what life was like without him! He's 11 going on 2 and ALWAYS wants to play with a ball. He gets all excited when I go out to work on the BOSS so I let him come with me and he just lays in the sun and "supervises" my work!


Lucy, our faithfull 70lb. pound dog. (Super mellow)
Phred, our 15 lb Jackapoo. (Acts like a rat on crack).
I could not handle 5 dogs!I would love it though!
My hands are full with these two guys.
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Thought I would start a non-politics thread and share some pics of our dogs, all 5 of 'em.

This is Rusty, about 10 years old, he's a Chow Shepard mix. Rusty was rescued from the local animal shelter.

He is a fine looking lad. Brings a smile to my face and a tear to my eye. He is the same breed and color as our beloved Chelsea that we lost 6 years ago. Her time with us ran out and there isn't a day goes by that I don't think about or miss her greatly. Her passing left a hole in my heart so big the wind hurts when it blows through.

Give that boy a big hug for me. You're lucky to have those extended family members, give them all a hug for me!
Meet the Trinkmeister, 6lbs of fury, got him as a rescue. He's not little, he's "portable". And yes, he's got his own dog seat in the vette.
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Of the 3 only the cat is still alive & kicking :(


I had to look twice to find your cat...looks minature compared to the big dog!

My cat was mature when we got Oreo...needless to say, they tolerate each other, but do not get along too well....I think that Oreo just loves to irritate the cat!

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