Drag Vette


Well-known member
Mar 26, 2008
Looking to put some sticky rubber under the back to get under 2.00 second 60's. Given the nature of C3 half shafts to occasionally self-destruct and take at a lot with them, I want to put in at LEAST some safety loops. Anybody here running the Drag Vette setup. In my case, I think just the basic (+ loops) is fine, but I'm not entirely clear on how this setup works or what it's doing. Would like some independent input. I'm just looking to making things tougher (less likely to break in the first place) and safer (more likely to contain collateral damage).
I think you're talking about the setup with the upper strut rods? Those mount to a slotted hole so that they offer no interference with the suspension geometry, however when a halfshaft snaps they won't allow the wheel to come in our out because the rod will stop at the end of the slot. That's all it does, that is...if the spinning snapped halfshaft doesn't take out the rod first :D It won't make stuff less likely to break.
I think you're talking about the setup with the upper strut rods? Those mount to a slotted hole so that they offer no interference with the suspension geometry, however when a halfshaft snaps they won't allow the wheel to come in our out because the rod will stop at the end of the slot. That's all it does, that is...if the spinning snapped halfshaft doesn't take out the rod first :D It won't make stuff less likely to break.

Ah, so it does NOT take any loading off the half shaft as a suspension member? I think that's part of the claim, yet it's a little difficult to understand intuitively.