Drive by wire


Well-known member
Mar 25, 2008
Western Canada
OK, here's a question. I've not had a DBW vehicle before.. I've got the 6.0L all wired up in my Corvette now... So if I put power to it, turn on the key, should the throttle valve in the throttle body operate with the foot feed even if the thing isn't running? It would be interesting to see if it something works.....
I can only give you a generic answer. Some DBW systems are designed so that the throttle blades close (via spring action) to about 10% TPS with the power off. This lets the engine get an adequate amount of air in the event of a partial system failure and lets you fast idle down the road to a safe location. The ECM, under normal conditions, then will force the throttle blades closed when idling or shutting off the engine. What is the throttle position with the power off (completely closed, or open a bit, and does it close when the power is cycled)?
As I mentioned, I can't give you a specific answer, but I look forward to someone with a C5 or C6 that can.
Keep us updated!
02, LQ9, DBW with TAC module....mine did. Key on, engine on the stand, push the pedal, watch the TB open. That's how I detrermined the yard sent me the wrong TAC module.
I had my harness cleanrd up by someone, but yes, the harness does plug into the TAC. But the harness that plugs between the pedal and TAC is part of the dash harness. That was not included with mine, I had one made aftermarket.