Driving Stoned!

At least the stoners drive 20 MPH and stop for the lights a block ahead, as opposed to the drunks who go 100 MPH and run the lights.......

OH, I was wondering about all those Buicks and Mercury's in the left lane going SO slow.....all the gray hairs must be left over hippies and stoned......

age 68 here.....:harhar::D:crutches:

mrvette, yeah! What's up in FLA with drivers going so slow in the left lane. I crossed so many doing so between Orlando and Gainesville. Nobody around them, just Sunday driving all by their lonesome. It's not just elderly either.

Florida To Consider Ticketing Slow Drivers
That's what Floridians call "sports." They drive for miles and miles well below the speed limit in any lane with a blinker going and/or brake lights permanently on and the 'sport' part is when you go to pass them they will at that moment veer into your line and you have to avoid them.
Bonus points come to them when you, behind them, cannot even see a head above the headrest because they are so shrunken up they are looking under the steering wheel and barely can see over the dash (Probably not in Gene's case, so no bonus points for him on that account--so he has to work harder to make up for that handicap, but at least he knows how to drive fast).

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That's what Floridians call "sports." They drive for miles and miles well below the speed limit in any lane with a blinker going and/or brake lights permanently on and the 'sport' part is when you go to pass them they will at that moment veer into your line and you have to avoid them.
Bonus points come to them when you, behind them, cannot even see a head above the headrest because they are so shrunken up they are looking under the steering wheel and barely can see over the dash (Probably not in Gene's case, so no bonus points for him on that account--so he has to work harder to make up for that handicap, but at least he knows how to drive fast).


:clap: U got NO clue how amazed I wuz upon moving to FLORIDA where traffic actually moves, instead of utter grid lock that is Wash DC region, last visit up there a few years ago, the joint was totally slammed at 230pm, on a work day, wasn't even FRIDAY.....here, Florida moves....we click along even passing cops, seriously, never DARE do that move in Faryland/DC region, even if the cop is doing under the limit.....:p:beer: