Dying interior pieces.


Well-known member
Mar 30, 2008
Going from blue to black. Going to clean with a 3M pad and acetone and use that vinyl spray. Any objections?

Main question, should I order SATIN black? Or semi-gloss? Or gloss? I'm thinking satin.
Going from blue to black. Going to clean with a 3M pad and acetone and use that vinyl spray. Any objections?

Main question, should I order SATIN black? Or semi-gloss? Or gloss? I'm thinking satin.

I would do satin. Gloss black shows everything. The interior dye works okay on low contact surfaces like dashes.Door panels, not so much.
Going from blue to black. Going to clean with a 3M pad and acetone and use that vinyl spray. Any objections?

Main question, should I order SATIN black? Or semi-gloss? Or gloss? I'm thinking satin.

I would do satin. Gloss black shows everything. The interior dye works okay on low contact surfaces like dashes.Door panels, not so much.

Will it work on you?

If it doesn't work on my door panels, I may have to make some custom pieces out of fiberglass. And just wrap them in black vinyl.
Just remove the door panels, and rewrap the core that is already there.
Going from blue to black. Going to clean with a 3M pad and acetone and use that vinyl spray. Any objections?

Main question, should I order SATIN black? Or semi-gloss? Or gloss? I'm thinking satin.

I would do satin. Gloss black shows everything. The interior dye works okay on low contact surfaces like dashes.Door panels, not so much.

I used the dupli-color leather and vinyl dye on my brake handle cover and it has held up extremely well. For the few dollars that a rattle can costs and the ease of applicaton I would give it a shot.
I've used the spray dye from Corvette America on a few pieces in mine. I went from red to black on the armrest cushion and it looks great and is holding up just as well. it's been on there for a few months now. Art
I use fast dry lacquer thinner to clean as a final step.

Any paint/body supply can mix pints or quarts and it does not need to be thinned. They can match whatever you want including trim codes.
Spray with a touchup gun if you have it.
I like PPG the best.

Just used the rest of a quart the other day that was about 15 years old.
Going from blue to black. Going to clean with a 3M pad and acetone and use that vinyl spray. Any objections?

Main question, should I order SATIN black? Or semi-gloss? Or gloss? I'm thinking satin.

I just recently repainted all the interior parts in my 82 when I installed the new carpet. I used SEM Color Coat Flexible Coating. One key note, clean, clean and clean again. You can also use something like Bulldog, SEM or Sherwin Williams adhesion promoter before applying the color coat will help. I bought a quart and used my small K3 touch up gun to do all the spraying another thing to remember is light coats, don't try and glob it on, you'll have issues if you do that.

I did my sons 5.0 Mustang 6 years ago and went from Red to Gray interior, still looks nice.

Here's a pic of the interior and some of the things that I painted, everything that is Camel was painted including the halo panels. Here is the gun I used for the small jobs.
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when I worked in a body shop we dies interior pieces all the time. Trick is to use automotive industry grade dye and not the cheap stuff from the parts houses. Any PPG dealer will have the good stuff, it is a little pricey, but goes along way. Key in clean, clean, clean then dye. I have dies a few pieces in my 79 and they look as good today as they did when I died them. doorpanels actually hold up really well. Arm rests are a no-go. it will look good for a while, but eventually the oem color wil show through, especially if the fabric is soft or cushioned. If needbe I can get the actual manufacturers of the stuff we used. It is great. Snakeater