Electric Power Steering


A real drive ( or fly ) by wire system need at least 1 backup system, so a second complete steering system in case of a failure.

That's one reason why there is no such thing in vehicles and all steering systems are backed up by the still mechanical connection to the steering wheel.

I would not feel safe with a drive by wire system without the mechanical connection, regardless of it being a electric or hydraulic actuated steering system.

The flaming river electric assisted steering system looks great, but for 5K might be a bit overkill.
This must be cheaper as many new cheap production cars use it.
I can not imagine that the system costs 5K on a 20K car.

Rgds. Günther
The GM's that have electric assited steering do not use a pump, they have a motor and controller built in to the steering column. Some of the newer 4 wheelers like the Polarus Ranger offer electric assited steering, so guys are converting them to use as power steering in their quarter midgets

Welcome to the motley crew of the Flying Dutchmen....

Nice territory up in them hills....been through there a couple times....fun lodges and getaway joints....
