Ephinay.....my kids will never know

Quality speakers are like a good paint job......makes all the difference. Both analog and digital systems can do much better than the human ear. Digital can do it cheaper and more accuratly if designed correctly.

Oldie but Goodie :rofl:



WHen talking solid state people spend WAYYY too much on amps and WAYYY too little on speakers. I always said speakers should cost twice as much as the amps.

A good set of speakers on a less expenisve amp will out perform a kick ass amp and so so speakers, every time.

OH HELL YES, every time.....electronics today is almost transparent, unlike the olde tyme daze of McIntosh tube amps, where that patented output transformer with the silicone steel, grain oriented (whatever THAT meant) and being biflar wound on the cores.....then potted, made all the difference in the performance....be about the only transformers out there going down to 20 hz back then, today too.....but Mac gear has been known to cause a list on battleships in the Navy too, gotta watch where you place that bitch....:ill::banghead::gurney:

but yeh man, speakers, like anything to produce a true effortless bass note down to hell, it has to be large and heavy and well built....

I used to know guys what laid up their own cabinets out of concrete and built corner horns in the basement that were FAR more extravagant than anything Paul Klipsch had in Hope Arkansas.....that town was famous for Klipsch long before Clinton was ever born.....I stopped by there upon seeing the sign off the freeway from LR into Dallas long time ago...ran into Paul himself saw the whole plant....back in '70? 74? long in there.....:drink:
Wow old farts on vinyl. I still have over 100 LP's from the early '70's. You haven't heard anything until you've heard Fleetwood Mac "Rumors" or Rick Wakeman's "Journey to the center of the earth" on vinyl. Nothing is lost from the master. When I need a fix I fire up the Pioneer PL-530 turn-table with my Audio-Technia TS-14 stylus tracking at 1/2 gram. Pumped thru my Pioneer SX1250...200 watts rms per channel. The old Speaker lab S-7's still pump out the tunes just fine after 34 years. Amazing.

I still have my Kenwood 9600 -200 watts per side- that I bought in 79. It is still better sounding than any of the new amps. I miss analog also. But, you move with the times. :beer:
Wow old farts on vinyl. I still have over 100 LP's from the early '70's. You haven't heard anything until you've heard Fleetwood Mac "Rumors" or Rick Wakeman's "Journey to the center of the earth" on vinyl. Nothing is lost from the master. When I need a fix I fire up the Pioneer PL-530 turn-table with my Audio-Technia TS-14 stylus tracking at 1/2 gram. Pumped thru my Pioneer SX1250...200 watts rms per channel. The old Speaker lab S-7's still pump out the tunes just fine after 34 years. Amazing.

I still have my Kenwood 9600 -200 watts per side- that I bought in 79. It is still better sounding than any of the new amps. I miss analog also. But, you move with the times. :beer:

Back in the '60's a friend had a '59? vette he took apart a old antique chest for the wood, and made a great custom console and under dash install for his stereo it consisted of some nice amps/preamps, but also, get THIS, a spot pack studio player.....it was the predecessor of the 8 track that Bill Lear made so famous....the spotpack was used for 'spots' or commercials by the DJ's in the stations....same size cartridge as the 8 tracks....but arranged differently.....same recirculating loop thng....

I been toying with the concept of some electronics in my '72 vert here, but really with the road/engine noise, why bother, not a kid anymore....but with a mear 4 gig thumb drive and a USB port into a equalizer/amp set in back, I have had the 6x9 speakers mounted in my back deck for a LONG time now, but never bothered to power them up since the stock radio went years ago.....well, now with a custom gauge area now, I think of maybe doing that, maybe some day....store my entire CD collection on it, hide it ALL away leaving ONE volume control and two buttons....one for type of music---classical, rock, jazz, blues, bluegrass, country, the other for the selection.....no lights, no indicators, no nothing, up on the console next to the p/window switches, that means I don't even have to move my arm, just tap my fingers and it does the rest......

told you I was LAZY....:devil::bounce::harhar::trumpet:
Wow old farts on vinyl. I still have over 100 LP's from the early '70's. You haven't heard anything until you've heard Fleetwood Mac "Rumors" or Rick Wakeman's "Journey to the center of the earth" on vinyl. Nothing is lost from the master. When I need a fix I fire up the Pioneer PL-530 turn-table with my Audio-Technia TS-14 stylus tracking at 1/2 gram. Pumped thru my Pioneer SX1250...200 watts rms per channel. The old Speaker lab S-7's still pump out the tunes just fine after 34 years. Amazing.

I still have my Kenwood 9600 -200 watts per side- that I bought in 79. It is still better sounding than any of the new amps. I miss analog also. But, you move with the times. :beer:

Back in the '60's a friend had a '59? vette he took apart a old antique chest for the wood, and made a great custom console and under dash install for his stereo it consisted of some nice amps/preamps, but also, get THIS, a spot pack studio player.....it was the predecessor of the 8 track that Bill Lear made so famous....the spotpack was used for 'spots' or commercials by the DJ's in the stations....same size cartridge as the 8 tracks....but arranged differently.....same recirculating loop thng....

I been toying with the concept of some electronics in my '72 vert here, but really with the road/engine noise, why bother, not a kid anymore....but with a mear 4 gig thumb drive and a USB port into a equalizer/amp set in back, I have had the 6x9 speakers mounted in my back deck for a LONG time now, but never bothered to power them up since the stock radio went years ago.....well, now with a custom gauge area now, I think of maybe doing that, maybe some day....store my entire CD collection on it, hide it ALL away leaving ONE volume control and two buttons....one for type of music---classical, rock, jazz, blues, bluegrass, country, the other for the selection.....no lights, no indicators, no nothing, up on the console next to the p/window switches, that means I don't even have to move my arm, just tap my fingers and it does the rest......

told you I was LAZY....:devil::bounce::harhar::trumpet:

You're lazy??/ Here's lazy---rather than try and mount speakers in my Vette, I just got two Yamaha 3 way house speakers with 8 inch wolfers and threw them in the back. That was almost two years ago.:skeptic:
Good point. Still, if you like clean sounds with a lot of head-room, spend as much on both as you wife will allow. .

Yep that's the key. I went with all B&W in my house. In my home theater I went Denon 3803 with 604s in front, 601s in back, dipoles in the middle, center, and an SVS sub. I shut the sub off to listen to music.

IMO, for the money, and the grade, B&W is the most acoustically transparent speaker available.

I put eight B&Ws in the ceilings upstairs with volume controls, living room, dining room, kitchen.
Good point. Still, if you like clean sounds with a lot of head-room, spend as much on both as you wife will allow. .

Yep that's the key. I went with all B&W in my house. In my home theater I went Denon 3803 with 604s in front, 601s in back, dipoles in the middle, center, and an SVS sub. I shut the sub off to listen to music.

IMO, for the money, and the grade, B&W is the most acoustically transparent speaker available.

I put eight B&Ws in the ceilings upstairs with volume controls, living room, dining room, kitchen.

B & Ws??? You lost me here. Not that hard to do.:drink:
Good point. Still, if you like clean sounds with a lot of head-room, spend as much on both as you wife will allow. .

Yep that's the key. I went with all B&W in my house. In my home theater I went Denon 3803 with 604s in front, 601s in back, dipoles in the middle, center, and an SVS sub. I shut the sub off to listen to music.

IMO, for the money, and the grade, B&W is the most acoustically transparent speaker available.

I put eight B&Ws in the ceilings upstairs with volume controls, living room, dining room, kitchen.

EHHH, spend more money.....:fishing::thumbs::eek::rose:
You guy's have way to much money,want to share some of it with me :amused:

I have the Yamaha home theater system,and it's pretty kick ass.
B&W's are really nice, but I would have to sell a 'Vette to get some. So I'll just have to do with my Klipch's...BTW...when my daughter is watching a movie, sometimes I have to tell her it's too loud.....I guess what goes around--comes around.:lol: