EV News

Is this; "... the Rest of the Story?" I'll admit this grip is from a 2021 article, but the "influence" might be clear.
Poor sales - just make it WORSE - then blame it on the customer!

Cheers - Jim
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I think EV sales have fallen because all of the "early adopters", who bought an EV for social status, have already filled the pipeline. Now we see 50% of these people regret the purchase. This is nothing new, any product that is purchased to elevate your social status will eventually run out of customers. the vast majority are more responsible consumers and just don't care about impressing anyone. However our government overlords pass "executive orders" to force people to buy 50% EV's by 2025? In the US that's 7 or 8 million cars per year.

When it comes down to it, is it practical/possible?:

According to Electrly, the electric vehicle charging manufacturer.

Each Tesla uses between 0.24 to 0.30 kWh per mile, or about 4,500 kWh over a year for 15,000 miles of driving. Other electric vehicles use more or less, but within a similar range. At 0.30 kWh per mile, that's 90 kWh for 300 miles of driving for the typical week.

The average American household without an in-home EV charging station consumes about 30 kWh per day, or about 10,720 kWh over a year's time. With just one electric vehicle being charged at home, that total increases to about 15,220 kWh. For two-EV households, that total runs up to nearly 20,000 kWh per year (assuming both drivers commute to work). That's nearly double current electricity usage for such families.

...Two home-charged EVs would eat up nearly half the household's total electricity usage – and require thousands of dollars to upgrade the house's electric panel. Today's 50-kva transformers, which cost about $8,000 each, can power about 60 homes; that number drops closer to 40 if each of those homes houses one electric vehicle, closer to 30 with two EVs using home chargers.

For a city with 120,000 homes, which today may require about 2,000 transformers, the addition of 120,000 home-charged electric vehicles means adding 1,000 transformers, about $8 million. But that's just the tip of the iceberg, because distributing 50 to 100% more household electricity requires generating 50 to 100% more electricity.

50-100% more electricity demand for 8 million cars every year? I don't think so.
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Green Rude Squeal: Ford Sounds Retreat on EVs, Writes Off $1.9 Billion​

Ed Morrissey 11:00 AM | August 21, 2024

From the DNC yesterday:

Rep. Ro Khanna (D., Calif.) declared that the Green New Deal "will be the vision under President Harris" in his remarks at the Democratic National Convention. ...

"All the Green New Deal says is we're going to build new industry—new steel, new aluminum, new iron—new industry in America," said Khanna. "We're going to create new jobs in the places that were deindustrialized, and it's going to be good for the climate, and it's going to have less carbon footprint."

"That will be the vision under President Harris," he added. "No fossil fuel subsidies, a holding accountable of Big Oil, and a reindustrialization of this country that's going to make America lead as a climate champion in the world."

From Ford today:

Ford Motor is canceling plans for a large electric sport-utility vehicle and expects to take $1.9 billion in related special charges and write-downs, as automakers continue adjusting their EV plans because of softer-than-expected demand.

The Dearborn, Mich., automaker this spring said it would delay plans for an electric three-row SUV by two years to a 2027 release date. On Wednesday, the company said it is scrapping the model altogether, citing tough pricing pressure as automakers resort to aggressive discounts to move their EVs.

The company also pushed back the launch of a new electric pickup truck by one year, until 2027.

The UAW is suing Stalantis because it promised, in the UAW strike last year, to build an EV plant. Stalantis bailed on the EV pipe dream last year. Now Ford and GM.
Wait until they switch to selling all Chinese EV's and force people to buy them. That will turn into the strike that ends the UAW (and their allegiance to Democrats)
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Musk was not in favor of subsidies for EV's in 2018. Said that the market should decide if they were successful. Plus the government cut off subsidies to Tesla because they made too many cars.

If the Tax credits go away, only Tesla will survive. Everything else will be Chinese EV's built in Mexico.
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Win win for Musk. Cutting government spending and cutting competition off unfair advantages.

:) :)
A while ago started listening to Joe Rogan on YouTube more often. Not sure who the guest is, but certainly has an interesting take on cobalt mining. Congo has 70% of the reserves.

Yeah, I have seen the memes, but turns out it is pretty bad.

Have you seen the new ad for the new transformation of JAGUAR ?
It doesn't show a new model, but a bizzare looking group of weirdly costumed ethnic of all flavors. Supposed to be going 100% electric.

I had a used XKE convertible in 1972 (?) had it about 3 months and it was stolen off the street in front of an old girlfriends house in Brooklyn, NY Cops said "was it insured?" I said "Yes"
He replied "Don't worry buddy, it's on the way to Brazil".

I remember those words like it was yesterday.
A while ago started listening to Joe Rogan on YouTube more often. Not sure who the guest is, but certainly has an interesting take on cobalt mining. Congo has 70% of the reserves.

Yeah, I have seen the memes, but turns out it is pretty bad.

What China is doing in the Congo is what they have been doing all over the Eastern Hemisphere. They told the world in the 90's they were going to control the worldwide supply Rare Earth Elements. They were successful and now they have the rest of the world over a barrel. The only unfinished business is semiconductors, when they take Taiwan they will have that.

Lesson learned, when China says they are going to do something, listen.
The Lame Duck just gave EV Rivian 6 Billion pieces of Green paper with pictures of George Washington, ostensibly to build a new factory down south ? Georgia. The northern factory's economic outlook is no model for expansion.
But what the heck - lets go to the the Lame Ducks Solyndra debacle in Utah ? called "Crescent Dunes".
50.000 mirrors heating molten salt to produce steam to run turbines - make electric; bankrupt.
Only $725 million or so - just piss money an lots of dead birds.