Failure to hump AFR leg

Which valve, intake or exhaust?? and that's off the head gasket surface?? that would be 90* in most cases, so you saying the stems are 12-22? degrees tipped toward the intake manifold...that makes sense....but what about the exhaust?? I understand one reason the 440 mopar engine had constant valve cover leaking was the manifold flange on exhaust was putting the headers too close and frying gaskets....but if the exhaust valves were done like the BBC or HEMI, it wasn't a problem....hense the olde original AFR/canted valve design....

so why doesn't Detroit go there???

guys talk of Vortec with taller intake runners so the older shit don't line up, WTF goes on there??? I would go Vortec in a flash IF I could get a cheep enough DPFI manifold for it, but just what does that buy over my present setup???

shit like that I never seen a succinct answer for, just snip and snaps of threads that never add up too clearly for me....


Detroit has gone there. LSX

As far as Vortec goes, if you want a lot of guys who are real big on Vortec...go here:

They LOOOOVE Vortec there.

HOO, boy followed that link into another about a FLORIDA lawsuit over some slicksters and their advertising practices/etc......

HOT button issue for me, as I got burned long time ago with Florida business, partners, investments, hotrods, etc......

ALL suits like that are useless waste of time/effort....I would just laugh it off, and not even bother to reply....all court outcomes in Florida are useless as tits on a bore hog.....

don't ask how I know?? OK???

LONG fucking story and I have two boxes of papers from ten years ago that prove the story.....

and the crooked BK law FEDERAL JUDGES that took the payoff and let a fraudulent BK ruling go through slick as shit.....

then some folks wonder why I hate lawyers, damn common crooks is all they are.....complete moral sluts....


I signed up and donated because the lawsuit. If the day comes when you can't criticize a manufacturer, we're all fucked. The internet has just become one big catalog.

Anyway the engine section has a lot of vortech info. It's their AFR.
funny you guys started this. i no longer bother with CF if it's anything technical. i'll still hit the c3 section and offer some help when i can. if i'm looking for help, i'll come here. think all the gearheads/technogeeks/engineer-types wound up on this forum.
funny you guys started this. i no longer bother with CF if it's anything technical. i'll still hit the c3 section and offer some help when i can. if i'm looking for help, i'll come here. think all the gearheads/technogeeks/engineer-types wound up on this forum.

OH HELL yes.....been MY 'tude from the beginning....thanks to whoever techy type brought me here too.....:thumbs::smash:
funny you guys started this. i no longer bother with CF if it's anything technical. i'll still hit the c3 section and offer some help when i can. if i'm looking for help, i'll come here. think all the gearheads/technogeeks/engineer-types wound up on this forum.

It's not about tech anymore. It's a self congratulatory excercise and a complete circle jerk.

On this other forum I referenced they said "can't we have a discussion about heads without mentioning names" then they frame the discussion on the basis of AFR. When a different position is offered they pile on because, and here's the kicker, the ONLY point of reference in their world is AFR.

For example:

The AFR Perspective:
What most do to create a CNC tool path in the first place is through extensive trial & error hand porting. Once they are happy with the finished port, they can then either digitize the port itself utilizing a CNC machine with a Renishaw probing system integrated to it, but this is hard, for several reasons, one is based upon the probe stylists you have, you may have to digitize a path that you do not actually want the cutter path to follow....its hard to get inside the runners for example.

Thus, many fill the port with a liquid rubber/plastic type substance, then pull it out after its solidfies and then digitize the mold you just created to get the tool path and then massage the tool path utilizing the CNC operating system or an offline cam system.

Quite honestly, the real advantage to CNC porting is to the porter themselves..... its a lot easier and faster to push the cycle start button vs hours and more hours of hand porting. However, the cost is our burden due to the fact that a 5 axes CNC Vertical Machining Center is over $ 100,000.... and thats for the entry level low-cost machining centers such as a Haas. We do get a percieved consistency from port to port.... assuming the CNC machine is set-up correctly from all aspects, which sometimes, is assuming a lot.

My response, which I'm sure I'll catch shit for:

Most leading manufacturers have evolved past the hack, guess, and flow method as Beach Bum has described. They use a combination of CAD and wet flow to get to a design, then test it in a Spintron rigged with high speed cameras. What BB describes, is an antiquated method by today's standards. This is not one company's propaganda, it's pretty much industry accepted. That's not to say that what BB describes has no value at some point in the process, it's just not how development is done anymore. It's too expensive and time consuming. Better products can be developed faster and more cheaply using modern technology.

Every significant player in the market but AFR does it this way, if you try to have a conversation based on something AFR does not do, better or not, they don't want to have that conversation.

So the fundamental definition of a leg humper is someone who can't see things that done exist in the product's world that they are leg humping.

When one of these people say can we do something devoid of brand, the answer is no, you can't.

Bottom line, there is nothing technical about those discussions.
Brodix has a raised runner oval port small block head. I guess oval ports on a small block are supposed to be the awesomest thing ever from what I can find out.

Like the dart little chief head has oval ports, and people pay 5000 to turn their stock heads into oval ports.

210cc head that flows ridiculous amounts. supposedly like 335cfm.
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What most do to create a CNC tool path in the first place is through extensive trial & error hand porting. Once they are happy with the finished port, they can then either digitize the port itself utilizing a CNC machine with a Renishaw probing system integrated to it, but this is hard, for several reasons, one is based upon the probe stylists you have, you may have to digitize a path that you do not actually want the cutter path to follow....its hard to get inside the runners for example.

I don't really understand how digitizing a port is hard. If you can't probe it, you certainly can't cut it.

Also, I assume that the description of a probe "stylist" is actually probe "stylus". If a company that does digitizing does not have the correct probes, they should hire an outside company to do the digitizing or buy the correct probe.

Further, what company is doing 5-axis port machining and does not have the CAD geometry for the casting? If they had the geometry for the casting, they could do the porting in CAD before machining.