Finally! A non purist website!

Welcome to the motley crew of the Flying Dutchmen....

Md. I see, where?? I spent some 53 years in Monkey Co. outside DC, Bethesda, Rockville, Potomac....moved here 13 years ago...:thumbs:

The good ole eastern shore...

Used to travel much across the Bay Bridge to ES area, south rt50 to the shore, Ocean city....Cambridge/Salisbury.....I remember the day/night of the Salisbury riots, and the state police passing us on the way to the scene and the totally crazy routing around the city that night....been a while....

Used to go camping for a long time along the Southern Maryland area, my wife is from Florida, and claims anything north of Georgia is a Yankee.....I laugh and tell her that those So. Md. watermen and that whole territory got the same as the deep south....but over the last 30 years, it's gotten all cosmopolitan I suspect....just don't mess with their crab traps, or take a oyster off a power boat....or show a Virginia boat registration #.....

I used to sail the Chesterpeak Bay a LOT, from Baltimore down to Point Lookout....I remember St. Michael's , and Kent Island too....

as well as some of those disappearing island along the Easter Shore there....

many a pleasant day spent in Annapolis too....

The VIN on my pillar matches the VIN on the title. That's as far as it goes!!

whats a pillar??:)

Isnt that something you get if you sit on a cold rock too long lol. :lol:

NO!! thats a hemroid...kinda like what you get after you read CF too long...:crylol:


I still hang a bit there too, except for maybe 6 guys, they are lacking in tech knowledge...maybe not THAT bad, but....I come here for edjumakashun....

I make stab and run comments on the resto guys....

Welcome! Thats a beautiful vette you have there!
You will enjoy the people here and changes will not get you flamed!
Feel free to post more pics of that "Bad daddy!"