So I drove 200 miles today and got 8 mpg, of course, that may change a bit once I do one of the fixits. So here's the list:
I publish this so the trolls can carry on their trolling, but more importantly for the folks who garage build and who the trolls and tv shows bring down. It's an honest list and meant to help others see that it's just part of the build process. Don't anyone get the thought that I didn't have a blast today - I did, this build was totally worth it.
Steering set screw - there are two, I ground one down...
Steering stop nut, I can get more turning radius by turning it in a bit
Not yet fixed
fuel smell - we found the reason - the top of the tank is leaking (which might explain some of the poor mpg - beside the 38.5 bias ply tires, 4.56 gears and brick aero)
Fuel level sender (again) 3/8 is empty.... need to solve that - but since I've got to take the seat out again... no biggie
fuel pump is annoying - I may fix this in my typical manner of build a new tank and put the pump in tank.... because, the easy way is for smart folks and Pirate knows, I'm not smart.
driver's side exhaust leak - annoying but needs fixed (I think I missed a hole header - not a gasket)
reset the driveshaft so it is straight. This one a pro got me - I set the shaft as Tom Woods suggested, he said I needed a degree in it to reduce vibration... uh, dumbme... I'll put it back (easy)
Water, cup holders .... yeah, get over it, shifting and wheeling makes carrying your coffee between your legs a perilous adventure.. and no, I didn't bring water or food today... I need to make food and water permanent in the vehicle so I don't do this again (thank you Regis for bring food)
this is a big one, cooler for the power steering pump. driving normally, it works fine, but it was not happy turning the spartan locker front. I'd like to add a steering ram (and will) but that's later - for now I may simply add a stabilizer so that I don't have death at speed-bump speed wobble until I get the funds.
a caliper is loose and rattling
seat belts are junk
stupid dana 300s, I didn't put the spring in and am regretting it. 4 wd pops out to 2 wd, I should have put the spring in. This I won't fix until much later, but it's an issue. I need to redo the shift levers because they are also problematic - at one point I had front-only drive which, as far as I know, is utterly impossible.... leave it to me to find a way to make that happen (not twice though)
4 hi/N/4 low... I don't like the levers, I may (gasp) put a stepper motor on it so that it mechanically holds it in gear..... it also doesn't like to go easily between the gears.
clutch, yeah again, as the day progressed so did the level of force required to use the clutch. I think I'll add more heim joints to the system...
skid plate rattle - this could be as simple as a rock on the skid plate.... but there it is.
Add to this the stuff that happened before (oil pump, almost burned to the ground, and the various getting stuff working senders..) and you'll have a complete idea of what it has taken to make it road worthy.
With all of that said, I was blowing along at 80 mph on a rutty freeway and it felt stable. It does tend to corner steer (when you turn a corner the rear helps in the turning process as the body leans - which can be a bit disconcerting to get used to).... that said, once the fuel smell is fixed - I'll drive it anywhere...