front flares and grilles - louvers -- project finally started

I spent quiet some time inside my front fenders and ground down the transition from fender to flare, filled the remaining small gap with SMC adhesive, then glassed it in with two layers of fiberglass.... I don't think I have to point out how crappy this job is. I hope I never have to do this again.


More sanding and filling/priming the outside is next....
Sucks to pay good money for a product and have it be of poor quality. Did Vanacor contract out their products to the Chinese?
3/8" is quiet a bit but at least it was simple to fix.... I'm glad I got these flares to match my rear fenders. I only bought the rears and then Vanacor went out of business so I had mismatching front/rear fenders.
OK, made some more progress and sprayed another coat of urethane high build primer on the fenders.... getting close to being acceptable :D

While I was at it..... I decided to grind out all the filler on the bumper seam and re-do it with Evercoat SMC adhesive and fiberglass mat....


on the sides I used fiberglass mat and epoxy resin .... Good thing the SMC adhesive is good for both fiberglass and SMC.... same for the 3M 8116 adhesive, SMC or fiberglass.... after using it for the first time I think it's good enough to glue a dollar bill to the moon... holy crap, this stuff is worth the money....


stay tuned.... :clap:
OK, made some more progress and sprayed another coat of urethane high build primer on the fenders.... getting close to being acceptable :D

While I was at it..... I decided to grind out all the filler on the bumper seam and re-do it with Evercoat SMC adhesive and fiberglass mat....


on the sides I used fiberglass mat and epoxy resin .... Good thing the SMC adhesive is good for both fiberglass and SMC.... same for the 3M 8116 adhesive, SMC or fiberglass.... after using it for the first time I think it's good enough to glue a dollar bill to the moon... holy crap, this stuff is worth the money....


stay tuned.... :clap:
Watch out, I'm sensing a case of acute WhileImAtItis.
Watch out, I'm sensing a case of acute WhileImAtItis.

I know..... haven't decided on the side markers yet.... they might go bye bye..... :idea:
Oh yeah, then, maybe the headlights - flush mount/recessed, covered - or in the grill. Ohh, oh and maybe, Halo- or projector lamps. And...that splitter idea I was thinking about, and...and...
Bound by the "links in the chain..."

Looking very nice, however!

Cheers - Jim
Looking nice.....I know partly how you're feeling. I added the patch panels to my 79 for the 80-82 front end. Not exactly a fun job, but I'm sure I saved a lot of money doing it myself rather than having a body guy do it. Getting the inside fo the fenders really suck!

On the subject of Vanacor, did you not like the quality of the product they sent you? My patch panels were extrememly thin, to the point of seeing my hand behind the panel after I finished glassing them in and filling in the seems. I find it hard to believe that I sanded on them that much to just about sanding through them. They did line up with the ecklers front 80-82 bumper pretty well. I did end up putting a lot of layers on the back just to strengthen them.

Subscribing to the thread because I want to see it finished up. Wheels look nice too!
On the subject of Vanacor, did you not like the quality of the product they sent you?

Quality overall is great, however, the passenger side was 3/8" narrower. If they (Vanacor) get this fixed these flares are great, just like the rear flares I got from them.

I have no complaints about the thickness, although their parts are thinner than the stock OEM panels....
On the subject of Vanacor, did you not like the quality of the product they sent you?

Quality overall is great, however, the passenger side was 3/8" narrower. If they (Vanacor) get this fixed these flares are great, just like the rear flares I got from them.

I have no complaints about the thickness, although their parts are thinner than the stock OEM panels....

Have you made them aware of this problem, so they can fix it?

the bumper seam is pretty much done and the side markers are gone :trumpet:

I cut the side marker "buckets" with a Dremel and then glued fiberglass in there from inside the fender. the grey stuff is Evercoat SMC adhesive


3 layers of glass, ready for filler/primer


after some grinding, sanding and a few coats of urethane primer it's almost ready for paint.... almost ... :D


I sprayed the primer wet so the reflections would show imperfections.... 2-3 more coats and blocking in between and it'll be ok...

Right on! My buddy used Sikkens in his shop for my car but unfortunately we ran out of time so I'm finishing the body work in my garage. What kind of compressor and gun do I need to purchase to re-primer my car? Thanks! Oh. I'm also looking to run a d/a and maybe an air file.