Phantom of the Opera
YEars ago, I had the heads off of a 331 Ford truck (F-750- big truck with a trash compactor). Cleaning the block with a scraper and razor blade getting ready to put the heads back on-setting up on the inner fender with my feet on the frame rail- needed to turn the engine over a bit to keep cleaning- shop owner reached in, truned the key to "bump" the engine over- the fuel pump shot a great (as in good) stream of gas out of the fuel line and it was instant flames everywhere. I couldn't get my feet unwrapped from the exhaust manifolds to get out of there. The shop owner grabbed the closest thing he could find to smother the flames- MY work coat. IT was at least 90% nylon- instantly became a gooey little ball. Great time too.
Almost as much fun as the day I was under a tandem axle dump truck pulling the rear differential and the air hose broke. Damn thing like to beat me to death. Everytime I'd try to grab it, it wasn't there anymore.
And I have the watchband burn scar too. Had to use cutters to get it off. Band only burned me in one place, but welded all of the links together.
CHRIST , Tim, with your luck you better watch out for them jet engines.....
:club::hissyfit: :crylol: