Girl trouble--Darlene


Mar 24, 2008
Huntington Beach, California
Ok, boys I've got a big problem to deal with. Darlene has told me that we are not engaged anymore and she wants a month (more if she needs it) to -as she put it today- "MISS" me and figure out what she wants. She said she still loves me.
I was a week away from moving in to her house. Now she says to not call or contact her in anyway. This has nothing to do with me and other women. If you guys need to know it has to do with a 8 year secret (we have been together for 8 years+) I've had and finally told her Sunday. I wanted to come clean before we got married. Didn't go over too good.
Do I stay completely away?
Do I sent her flowers every once in while with a note telling her how I feel?
Do I just send a letter telling my her how sorry I am?

What the HELL do I do???

I have never been engaged or Married before and I'm completely at a loss here.

I hopeing you "Married Guys" might have some insight on what to do. :sos:
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the letter, any prick with 50 bucks can send flowers.

and it better be a really good one.

but some things are indeed insurmountable so it could be over.

i guess the secret is a good one since you're not sharing with us.
the letter, any prick with 50 bucks can send flowers.

and it better be a really good one.

but some things are indeed insurmountable so it could be over.

i guess the secret is a good one since you're not sharing with us.

It has to do with how old I am, she thought I was 10 years younger than I am.:clobbered:
Just tell her that all men have the same weakness and you are no different. Didn't you learn anything from Bill Clinton? Don't admit anything until the DNA evidence comes in and even then, try something like, "Does it count if she didn't inhale?". Something like infidelity will never go over well and there are some things you cannot tell your woman. They will never be able to come to terms with the fact that we don't have the will power to turn down good p_ss_ and can you blame them? It's one of those things that you will have to learn to keep to yourself but it seems that it is too late for that. I would suggest that you don't overdue it when it comes to giving her attention because it comes off as insincere and manipulative. Perhaps, you should send her flowers only once during the week and write something like "Just want you to know that you are in my thoughts". Keep it simple and don't blow it by being pushy.

When all else fails, don't be too shy to remind her of Sadistic's philosophy that fine women have the advantage in that they can get any man they want but men have the advantage that any good piece of a$$ will do. Cheer up and remember that none of these type of relationships are as important as they seem.
Geez, that's all? I obviously assumed it was something different. Tell her you found the fountain of youth and you don't plan on discontinuing usage any time soon. Seriously, it is more of a problem with american women than those from other cultures. If you keep yourself in shape, she will age must faster than you do. Above all, remember that women fill a role in our lives and it is important but there are lots of other women besides the one you have who can fill it as well.
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I am 7 years older than my wife......which is about all I can say.....

If she doesn't love you no matter what your age, she doesn't deserve you anyway.

I'm a bachelor, and I'm a bachelor for a reason, when they get all up in a tiff over petty shit like that, they get to see the curb.

Ultimately it's up to you to decide how you want to show her that you are the same person you were four days and ten years ago, but to jump to breaking up over some petty shit like that you have to ask yourself if she's worth all this toil.

Good luck with whatever you decide. :thumbs:
Just tell her that all men have the same weakness and you are no different. Didn't you learn anything from Bill Clinton? Don't admit anything until the DNA evidence comes in and even then, try something like, "Does it count if she didn't inhale?". Something like infidelity will never go over well and there are some things you cannot tell your woman. They will never be able to come to terms with the fact that we don't have the will power to turn down good p_ss_ and can you blame them? It's one of those things that you will have to learn to keep to yourself but it seems that it is too late for that. I would suggest that you don't overdue it when it comes to giving her attention because it comes off as insincere and manipulative. Perhaps, you should send her flowers only once during the week and write something like "Just want you to know that you are in my thoughts". Keep it simple and don't blow it by being pushy.

When all else fails, don't be too shy to remind her of Sadistic's philosophy that fine women have the advantage in that they can get any man they want but men have the advantage that any good piece of a$$ will do. Cheer up and remember that none of these type of relationships are as important as they seem.

Thanks. It has NOTHING to do with another woman. She is mad because she thought I was lying for 8 years about my age. I have been telling people I was ten years younger since I was 35. I never thought twice about it until I tried to tell her, just could never tell her my real age--always worried she would think differently of me. Kinda stupid.:footmouth:
When you came clean about the age "enhancement", she probably wonders what other secrets you might have. If you can assure her that you have no more secrets, who knows?

How do you convince her after 8 years? I gotta go with Turtle, no flowers. If I was you I would hire someone to write the greatest letter ever.

Then I would NEVER tell her that I hired a pro to write the letter;)
And you don't think that some of us have done the same thing? Glenn, I was balling 19 and 20 year old females that were fine as all hell before I got married. I tweaked the facts from one end of the spectrum to the other and why not? Are they completely honest with us? Heck no. From their makeup to their high heels and relentless smile, it's all a scam. I've lied about my age plenty of times and it paid the dividends. If they hung around long enough, they found out the truth anyway.

If you ever want to hear about some of my glorious escapades, just ask. I could go on and on to a willing ear. It's no secret that I struggle bitterly with the concept of being humble. :yahoo:
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If she doesn't love you no matter what your age, she doesn't deserve you anyway.

I'm a bachelor, and I'm a bachelor for a reason, when they get all up in a tiff over petty shit like that, they get to see the curb.

Ultimately it's up to you to decide how you want to show her that you are the same person you were four days and ten years ago, but to jump to breaking up over some petty shit like that you have to ask yourself if she's worth all this toil.

Good luck with whatever you decide. :thumbs:

This has crossed my mind too, wheather it is worth it or not..
But, I've never asked a women to Marry me before-I've lived with 15-20 over the years. I guess this one is special to me.:twitch:
When you came clean about the age "enhancement", she probably wonders what other secrets you might have. If you can assure her that you have no more secrets, who knows?

How do you convince her after 8 years? I gotta go with Turtle, no flowers. If I was you I would hire someone to write the greatest letter ever.

Then I would NEVER tell her that I hired a pro to write the letter;)

There are Pros for that??:suspicious:
i've never heard of a man lieing about his age. It's always women that do that. What the hell is your motovation?

the question i would have is, what's the reason for dating for 8 years. That's longer than most marriages last. If you have to think about it for 8 years maybe you really don't want to do it.
I'm available and have supreme writing skills. Unfortunately, I have a sick mind as well and a sense of humor that is renowned for sending relationships to the graveyard. Turtle, lay off him. A scrub like you would never be in a position to drill a female much younger than himself and that is why you would never have to lie about your age. I'm just surprised that he was able to keep her in the dark for 8 years. That was hell of a monkey to have hanging on his back.

By the way, turtle, lying and motivation are not difficult words to spell and you have thus been eliminated from consideration for writing his love letter. That shit might fly with your bowling alley buddies but don't bring that rubbish anywhere near a post of mine.
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And you don't think that some of us have done the same thing? Glenn, I was balling 19 and 20 year old females that were fine as all hell before I got married. I tweaked the facts from one end of the spectrum to the other and why not? Are they completely honest with us? Heck no. From their makeup to their high heels and relentless smile, it's all a scam. I've lied about my age plenty of times and it paid the dividends. If they hung around long enough, they found out the truth anyway.

If you ever want to hear about some of my glorious escapades, just ask. I could go on and on to a willing ear. It's no secret that I struggle bitterly with the concept of being humble. :yahoo:

Glorious may have a money advantage but as far as stories go, I think I could keep up--I was a Bouncer for MANY years. Remember the Movie "ROAD HOUSE"-- opening 5 minutes at the BANDSTAND-Yep, I worked there and what you see in the movie is %100 correct.. women wise.:lol:

But all done with that. Time to make a REAL life.:sweat:
She obviously needs to come to terms with the fact that you are a older than she thought and that you were keeping it a secret.

If it is truely meant to be, ie: she's in love, then age won't make a difference. My father was 10 years older than my mother. They got divorced when I was very young. His second wife was 20 years younger. My mothers second husband is 15 years older than she is. My younger brother is 45 and his wife is 28.......

Coming clean was the right thing to do. I would respect her wishes..that shows your respect for her. She obviously has feelings for you, so I'm sure she'll be thinking long and hard about this. Hopefully, she's not going to just throw 8 years away.....

A lot of people might disagree with me....but, I can see some positive....if you and Darlene can overcome this, then the month apart will only go to reinforce that you are meant to be together...and you'll spend a lifetime knowing that. If you don't overcome this, then it is best that you find out now.

Communication and trust are the keys to any long lasting relationship. You are starting down this path....I would write a letter.....and let her know in your own personal way that you love her and miss her....but give her space.

Hang in there.
Glorious may have a money advantage but as far as stories go, I think I could keep up--I was a Bouncer for MANY years. Remember the Movie "ROAD HOUSE"-- opening 5 minutes at the BANDSTAND-Yep, I worked there and what you see in the movie is %100 correct.. women wise.:lol:

But all done with that. Time to make a REAL life.:sweat:

I don't doubt you a bit, Glenn. You have all the makings of a hell of a player.
Turtle and Sadistic your help here is greatly welcomed. I really need help here and don't want this to turn into a word fest between you two. I respect both your opinons, and need to do something to not lose what I have completely. Thanks guys.:surrender:
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