Good bye old friend

Really sorry to hear about your dog. I didn't know till now.

Everyone knows I'm a animal lover. This brought a tear to my eye. Sorry man.

They are like family, I hope you are getting thru it ok.
Good bye old friend all right.
Man that hurts, we have a boxer about the same age.
Just thinking about the day we're gonna have to do this
She slowed down but like you said, she was there too for the kids.

Well that day came last week.

I was on a trip to Fl, my son was home and the dog came to his room, something was wrong.
She just tried to hide close to him seeking comfort I guess and was limping, suddunly she just collapsed and died.

Like I said we had her when the youngest son was 8, so she was a huge part of the boys lives, and ours too.
I just came back from work and I miss her greeting me.

Sweet and innocent Dipsy.
She'll be missed.
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OUCH! I'm truly sorry for your loss.Having been through this myself it chokes me up to hear!
It seems some holes can't be filled.What more could a dog ask for than an owner that truly loved them.I'm sure her life was a great one.Thank you for giving her a Great family for all those years!
On a bit of an upbeat note about dogs:
This last weekend we had to drive across the state to our sons house. The person we board our dogs with operates an dog and horse rescue. She asked us if we wouldn't mind taking a little side trip on our way home and transporting a rescue dog for her.
Not a problem at all or so I thought.
On the trip home we take the correct exit off the interstate and head towards Wenatchee. I do not recall ever being on this road before. It is a beautiful part of the state which I never recall seeing.
The wife informs me we had been on the road before, but it was night time.
Chalk up 1 for Mrs.Memory,lol.
We arrive at the Humane Society and introduce ourselves. They go over the paperwork for "Soda Pop" and say the dog will be taken out front.

Side note: we had been informed this dog was a bit psycho and to leave him in the crate and do NOT take him out for any reason as he is a biter.

The worker shows up out front with Soda Pop on a leash, no crate to be seen.
I ask about the crate and the worker is surprised of the assement we had been given about the dog.
The wife takes the leash while the worker goes and gets us a crate, just in case.
We get in the truck and the wife is holding Soda Pop.
We make the 3 hour drive with nothing more than a dog that wants some loving.
We arrive back at the rescue to drop off Soda Pop and pick up our 3 dogs.
We leave the rescue with our 4 dogs :lol:
It only took little Soda Pop 3 hrs to work his way into our life.
So far he has exhibited no negative behavior problems and is starting to bond with the other 3 very nicely.

what we believe: the person who turned in the dog made up a story about him to make it sound as if they werent just dumping him, instead laying blame on the dog.
He has exhibited a total of NONE of the problems he allegedly has, from biting people to not tolerating other dogs.
He is up to date on all vaccinations, just had his teeth cleaned , been nuetered and microchipped.
Btw, Soda Pop is a 10# mini dachshund. Black and red in color.
We also have a tweenie male dachshund, a female chihuahua, and a chihuahua/corgi mix.
The chigi is a rescue I got from the rescue lady a few years ago.

Soda Pop:

Margo the rescue lady:
My Older Mastiff Jester was bit by a Dachshund when he was a pup and has been scared of them killer weeners ever since!LOL!
That is a beautiful new dog you have!
Tim or Dave can attest to our Chiwawa being the toughest dawg on the street, it thinks, and I still dunno how in hell that dawg when under her blanket, in the basket sleeping, can hear another dawg on the street come up to eat the cat's food out front, with the windows DOWN......

Phreaking ears can hear a gnat fart on backside of the moon....

and let Tinker out back, she runs for that back fence where there is a Shepard on the other side, they try to dig under, we put blocks down.....

only use I can spot for that dawg is to break up cat fights, which she does quite well......1 dawg, 3 cats......:crutches::D:censored:
How to mend a broken heart

In an earlier post I reported how we lost our Greyhound "Blue". For weeks afterward my girlfriend would cry, day and night. She tried and tried to be brave but his loss was just too much for her on top of all the other mess we have been through. One day she got a call from her contact at one of the Greyhound rescue organizations and she told me about it. Of course I hoped that this would give her a chance to heal and focus on the present - and some happiness instead of sorrow. Anyway - we adopted this fellow who we named Aladdin. Aladdin was a true racer, but one day broke his leg. Instead of putting him down he was spared and had a pin placed in his broken leg. We heard about him and brought him home. In the true fashion of "No good deed goes unpunished" a week after we brought him home he stepped on my bare foot and broke it (OUCH!). I still limp around (3 weeks later) and we love him unconditionally. Here's his picture.

We found out that his brother has just been retired and is also available for adoption. The works are in progress to try and bring him home too.
Almost ten years ago, Linda had this Chiwawa, tan/faun color, and larger/taller, so Doozie came here to live with her, one person dawg, LINDA's that the way they are, I suppose.....but Doozie was getting old and maybe 4 years ago passed away, and Linda walked around with sad face for a few months....then I contacted her daughter about what Linda wanted for Xmas....
she said another I put up the 200 bux, and then that morning, in walks her daughter with this little black wiggly in her arms, maybe 3 months old pup.....along in that same time frame, my cat had died from the China pet food/melamine thing....and Linda finds two kittens....Bo and can tell who names the pets in this house....
then Tiny cat was left in the weeds over at her farmette place, her son accidently hit it with a weed wacker...not even a day old, they nursed him along, still has a clipped ear tip and a bad eye, poor cat, but he makes up for it with ATTITUDE....
SO, between 4 indoor pets, 3+ strays outside, and the neighborhood dawgs, we have a house full of activity....

Lets just say we keep busy, and many moments laughing our asses off.....

Our old boy Buddy has had a limp for the last couple of months. We had him to the vet's for an x-ray and were told that he has arthritis in his knee. We put him on glaucosamine tablets and he was getting a shot once a week. I also bought some herbal stuff off the internet.

He mended to a certain degree but the limp's still there. Took him back to the vet today and it seems he's blown his cruciate ligament. Poor old bugger, not a single whimper and it's still always game time. He goes under the knife in June :thumbs:
Our old boy Buddy has had a limp for the last couple of months. We had him to the vet's for an x-ray and were told that he has arthritis in his knee. We put him on glaucosamine tablets and he was getting a shot once a week. I also bought some herbal stuff off the internet.

He mended to a certain degree but the limp's still there. Took him back to the vet today and it seems he's blown his cruciate ligament. Poor old bugger, not a single whimper and it's still always game time. He goes under the knife in June :thumbs:

GOOD FOR YOU!!! Glad to hear you are willing to spend the $ to mend the injury instead of taking the cheap way out :clap:
We have a chihuahua, a chihuahua/mix and 2 wiener dogs.
Our little female is a mighty 5 # soaking wet, the mix is 12#. the large wiener is 15# and the new guy is 10# All total they = 37 lbs of love and devotion.

It is no joke about a chihuahua's ears. They seem to be able to hear things a block away.
They might not be a guard dog, but they are awesome watch dogs. Ours have been trained to say "Grab the Winchester Papa, we got company" :D

The Weiner dog breed are small but fearless as hell. They were bred to go after Badgers and Wolverines.

You never will catch me sticking my face down a badger hole.