Got any old cars you don't want?


Well-known member
Mar 25, 2008
Got any old cars you don't want?

You have got to see this Car Grinder. This mechanical monster is evidently replacing the car crusher.

Remember those big loads of flattened cars on 18 wheelers going down the highway?

May be a thing of the past.

This sucker even grinds up engine blocks. I don't know what powers it, but there has to be a lot of ratio gearing to keep it moving. It reverses now and then to clear the hard core debris that gets stuck.

For those of you who've always been intrigued by wood chippers, stump grinders, rock wheels, and other machines of destruction…we bring you the Car Grinder:

Many decades ago a buddy took his mother's last ride out of some farm barn storage another friend owned.....and to a car grinding place, but this was a huge fixed place not so very far from Wash DC.....

So up in the air, about 3 stories on a conveyer....over the top to hit the jaws of hell, and ground down to nothing and out the belts came the residue....magnets to pick up anything ferrous.....blowers to kick off the plastics.....but I not sure how to get the aluminum from the glass separated....probably just heat to 800f and the aluminum drips out with a shake or two, and send the glass off to where ever.....

but the plant I saw did like 5x the volume and we were warned to stand WAY back from the input as an axle was known to come flying out....hummmmm

Oh, this plant could shread large trucks that '68 Dodge Dart was just a snack......

There is one at Andersen's Salvage in Greeley, CO that was designed by the owner of the company. It's a high speed grinder, like a wood chipper, and can take a whole semi truck and trailer. He had a whole electrical substation built to power it. He separates the material coming out of it by using air and vacuum for upholstery & plastic, magnets for ferrous metals, screens & vibrators to sort by size and other ways he has devised to separate all the stuff into individual catagories. Like glass from plastic from fabric by running it across conveyors with different speeds of air blowing across to blow off different weights of materials. He is currently building another separator to get all the small bits of copper wire & similar stuff. He says that the quantities he runs through that thing, even recovering the 1/2" long bits of wire will pay off handsomely.
It is quite the machine. He has invented a lot of the technology for it himself. Very impressive to see in action. You can hear it running a half mile away.....
Ok, they're grinding a 1st gen Kia Rio (my former car), they are quiet fragile to begin with.
Now I want to see a G-Wagon beeing ground.:club: