Well-known member
Nice Sunday morining in SoCal and I can't wait to get the new wheels and tires installed. I've got my fingers crossed that I won't have a rubbing problem because the tire store says about 20% of the C3's with this tire size (255/50/17) do rub on a fulllock turn.
Before I got started I let the dog out. Then I start empting the crammed full garage. I also decide now is a good time to take the extra parts from Bird's mods to my car out of the trunk and put them in a cabinet. I'm in the recesses of the garage when I hear a peeling sticker sound and hear the dogs nails on concrete as he sprints across the front of the garage.
I turn to see a wheel and tire rolling from the garage into the driveway. You think no big deal - check out these photos. That tire accelerated as fast as if it had been on the Vette across the street bounced off one car then headed down the street like demon till it smacked one of those customized lowered mini-trucks. :clobbered: :crutches:
Isn't anything easy?:banghead:
Before I got started I let the dog out. Then I start empting the crammed full garage. I also decide now is a good time to take the extra parts from Bird's mods to my car out of the trunk and put them in a cabinet. I'm in the recesses of the garage when I hear a peeling sticker sound and hear the dogs nails on concrete as he sprints across the front of the garage.

Isn't anything easy?:banghead:
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