
I have a garmin and I have to agree that it is a bit slow at times. Have had to turn around several times to go back to make a turn or exit. And I tried to use it in Puerto Rico and it was pretty bad, had me going the wrong direction several times.
We had a garmin when we were in the US. Biggest POS nav system EVER!! It was either incorrect, inaccurate or just plain too fricken late when it came to telling when to take an exit. I used it for 2 days and then turne off the driving directions and manually sought out where to go, using it as an electronic map basically.

TomTom is a Dutch brand and it's vastly superior to the POS we had from garmin...geez I can't believe what a POS that was...did I tell you guys it was a POS??

Now that would suck :amazed: i had one of my old Lowrance units on my Bass boat constantly show me driving on dry land :huh: that was no good especially when it was foggy out,i would have to slow down or come to a stop so it could catch up,it was on old unit that only used 4 satellites instead of the newer ones that 6 or more.
We had a garmin when we were in the US. Biggest POS nav system EVER!! It was either incorrect, inaccurate or just plain too fricken late when it came to telling when to take an exit. I used it for 2 days and then turne off the driving directions and manually sought out where to go, using it as an electronic map basically.

TomTom is a Dutch brand and it's vastly superior to the POS we had from garmin...geez I can't believe what a POS that was...did I tell you guys it was a POS??

And TomTom has that catchy tune in it's TV adds....remember hard.....then try to get it out of your head:3rd:

Well, I hope TomTom is as good as you say it is....since I already bought it:bounce:

I get to use it this coming weekend on a 200mile trip from Greensboro up to the Viginia Beach Area. I'll let you know how it worked.
Smokin: You'll love Tommy. You can select all kinds of different voices for it. Most are free. I end up talking to it when I'm driving and my wife thinks I'm nuts. :nuts:
My Garmin has a sexy females voice :amused: i call her my Cyber B*^$h. shes hot in my mind anyway.
I have 3 different GPS units. A Garmin 295 I use when I'm flying, an Edge programmer in my pickup that has the Tom-Tom built into it, and the POS Harman-Karden thing that H-D puts on their Ultra Classic bikes. THe Garmin is far and away the best, but it's not worth a krap on the highway. No memory, no voice, and has no idea that highways are there. Great for straight line navigation. THe Tom-Tom in the truck is not bad- knows highways, talks to me, (favorite line is "Turn Around when possible"), and can find gas, hotels and food. The one on the bike is not that great, has the voice, but no downloadable routing, and can't recover too well after a missed turn. I've heard the Tommy has an update thng for the roads but I haven't seen it so far.

Of the 24 satellites, the unit has to "see" a minimum of 4 to get proper navigation. And 6 is even better.
We had a garmin when we were in the US. Biggest POS nav system EVER!! It was either incorrect, inaccurate or just plain too fricken late when it came to telling when to take an exit. I used it for 2 days and then turne off the driving directions and manually sought out where to go, using it as an electronic map basically.

Silly boy! It was talking feet & miles and you were in thinking meters & kilometers!!

Drove 5 hours last night in the darkness to get to Virginia Beach.

The TomTom is awesome....extremely accurate. Love the navigate to point of interest thing! Found the diners quick with correct drections.

The MPH was 1 higher than the car speedo. I'd say that was pretty darn accurate.

The only thing that seemed to be an issue was the quick battery drain. But I guess that is just a minor thing since it has the power cable.

Established contact with 7 sats. Darn thing even worked in my does it do that? I thought it had to have a clear view of the sky:confused:
Drove 5 hours last night in the darkness to get to Virginia Beach.

The TomTom is awesome....extremely accurate. Love the navigate to point of interest thing! Found the diners quick with correct drections.

The MPH was 1 higher than the car speedo. I'd say that was pretty darn accurate.

The only thing that seemed to be an issue was the quick battery drain. But I guess that is just a minor thing since it has the power cable.

Established contact with 7 sats. Darn thing even worked in my does it do that? I thought it had to have a clear view of the sky:confused:

How does it work in your house? the same way a TV and radio work,with an antenna,but the more obstacles you put between the antenna and its source,the worse the reception gets. GPS products today have very good reception and will work in the house,but the bigger or thicker the obstacle the less accurate they will get or even quite working.
My hand held GPS and the 2 on my boat actually have a screen showing the satellites that you are receiving from and there orientation in the sky above,some will be overhead and others on the horizon,and below will be a bar graph for each one showing the signal strength and you can see how obstacles interfere with the signal of each. a GPS only need 3 satellites to work,4 is good but 6 is best,so even though it works in the house you may not be getting reception from all available satellites but you are still getting enough for it to work.

Thats why i answered your earlier question the way i did,you asked about accuracy and i said Dead nut's on with a clear site to the sky,accuracy will diminish some with obstacles.

You should of owned a GPS when they first came out to the public,accuracy sucked. The military and GOV have what is called a user switch that they can flip,it has been turned off for several years now,but when it is turned on :crap: your GPS is inaccurate up to a 100 feet or more.
We just use a cheapy Garmin now, used to have the Tomtom software for gps on an old Smartphone a few years ago.

When we took a 4000 mile trip this last summer (first time out of S Florida in 20 years and I go when gas is 4 bucks a gallon :crylol:)
We could type in the name of a motel chain and it would list all the locations within a 100 miles or so with the phone # and we would call ahead and make reservations.
Another hint, don't set it for the "shortest route" or you will be going thru Atlanta via all the city streets instead of the bypass freeway.:cussing:

BTW, I din't know it, but my wife, the yacker, found out that you get a pretty decent discount if you have a CDL lisence. Maybe it was just a ploy so we would have to use my credit card instead of hers. :skeptic:
We just use a cheapy Garmin now, used to have the Tomtom software for gps on an old Smartphone a few years ago.

When we took a 4000 mile trip this last summer (first time out of S Florida in 20 years and I go when gas is 4 bucks a gallon :crylol:)
We could type in the name of a motel chain and it would list all the locations within a 100 miles or so with the phone # and we would call ahead and make reservations.
Another hint, don't set it for the "shortest route" or you will be going thru Atlanta via all the city streets instead of the bypass freeway.:cussing:

BTW, I din't know it, but my wife, the yacker, found out that you get a pretty decent discount if you have a CDL lisence. Maybe it was just a ploy so we would have to use my credit card instead of hers. :skeptic:

Yea same here,when i took my trip to CA last August for the Bird run i was paying $5 bucks a gal for diesel :cussing: i filled up yesterday for $2.39/gal :crap: never fails,at least it went down instead of up :thumbs: and still going down :bounce:
I seem to remember someone on here saying that fuel would be $10 bucks/gal buy the holidays because of the green weenies :quote:
case closed.
Drove 5 hours last night in the darkness to get to Virginia Beach.

The TomTom is awesome....extremely accurate. Love the navigate to point of interest thing! Found the diners quick with correct drections.

The MPH was 1 higher than the car speedo. I'd say that was pretty darn accurate.

The only thing that seemed to be an issue was the quick battery drain. But I guess that is just a minor thing since it has the power cable.

Established contact with 7 sats. Darn thing even worked in my does it do that? I thought it had to have a clear view of the sky:confused:

How does it work in your house? the same way a TV and radio work,with an antenna,but the more obstacles you put between the antenna and its source,the worse the reception gets. GPS products today have very good reception and will work in the house,but the bigger or thicker the obstacle the less accurate they will get or even quite working.
My hand held GPS and the 2 on my boat actually have a screen showing the satellites that you are receiving from and there orientation in the sky above,some will be overhead and others on the horizon,and below will be a bar graph for each one showing the signal strength and you can see how obstacles interfere with the signal of each. a GPS only need 3 satellites to work,4 is good but 6 is best,so even though it works in the house you may not be getting reception from all available satellites but you are still getting enough for it to work.

Thats why i answered your earlier question the way i did,you asked about accuracy and i said Dead nut's on with a clear site to the sky,accuracy will diminish some with obstacles.

You should of owned a GPS when they first came out to the public,accuracy sucked. The military and GOV have what is called a user switch that they can flip,it has been turned off for several years now,but when it is turned on :crap: your GPS is inaccurate up to a 100 feet or more.

Ok. Now I get it. I was thinking it was more like Direct TV where you actually need the dish pointed at the sat to get a signal.

I actually had my first GPS in 2003. It came in my Ford expedition. Have no idea who makes it. It is CD based and only works sporadically. Got tired of messing with it and looking at a screen that kept showing "off road condition" or a red nav icon which meant no sat. contact.
Been using paper maps and mapquest....until now. I may just a TomTom for myself:bounce:
They have come a long way's,and since that user switch has been flipped :bounce: The GOV kinda had to since so many civilian's were relying on GPS for navigation,now in time of war or whatever reason they want i guess they can flip that switch in the other direction,can't have terrorist or your enemy having reliable navigation.