I thought it was because I had enough of George W. Did we forget him already?
Obama is doing exactly what he said he would in the campaign. Anyone who voted for him and is now not happy with him is a sucker and a fool.
I agree, we have to give him some time to work on this mess. It ain't gonna get fixed overnight.
Dude? Really? What? He's been doing damn near anything he can to keep things fucked up. The answer is really goddamned simple, stop spending money we don't have! But, no! Cocksucker has to pass this massive healthcare take over. Not only won't he fix the border, he's SUING the only state in the union trying to do what the law say! His court appointments are abominable. He's declared the war over before the enemy is beaten into submission. I could go on. Virtually everything he's done is disasterous. I'm completely with Rush on this one, I hope he fails. Sadly, he's succeeding far more than is good for the country.
My only hope is that this November we can stop the hemorrhaging. Maybe catch a breath so we can turn this nightmare around.
You ain't seen nothin yet.
This bozo is a stupid, stupid man who surrounds himself with equally inexperienced and unqualified appointees.
He promised transparency and an end to underhanded deals, yet in his push for health reform, had countless secret meetings with unprecidented underhanded deals, like never before seen in this country.
He has a gift of bullshit even greater than Clinton's and will ultimately make Jimmy Carter look like a great president.
And look what's in store now, taxing the uber rich. I don't like them getting good tax breaks either, but that is going to drown this economy even more.
Donald Trump, anticipating his election, went to offshore projects instead of here, Buffet has made billions in China and will stay there, and the rest of the super rich are going to go offshore with them to avoid the millions in taxes that will be owed here, instead of investing it in a fresh US economy.
This bank bailout nonesense is utter bullshit, his stupidity just blew all that money. Done properly, there would be almost no foreclosures. New banks are the only construction projects going around here. Great move.
I certainly don't know the fixes for us now, but a great step in the right direction is to get him and his out of office.:bounce: