Gutting the doors - MyBad's way

Without inner door panel and armrest it's still at 69 lbs


The gutted door weighs a whoopping 21 lbs




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:trumpet: That is FANTASTIC Weight Redux! :trumpet:

Market that product! Near 50#s per side. WOW.
Something to be proud of.
Look forward to your driver entry/exit review.

:beer: Jim
:trumpet: That is FANTASTIC Weight Redux! :trumpet:

Market that product! Near 50#s per side. WOW.
Something to be proud of.
Look forward to your driver entry/exit review.

:beer: Jim

I'll modify the latches so there'll be longer levers to open the door. I just tested it sitting on the passenger side today, it's not all that bad, just have to reach next to your shoulder and pop the latch open.

One important thing is the armrest: it's getting old without support for the left arm so I'll design the rollcage so that I can use the door bar as my armrest -with padding of course

What else did I find today? The hinge bushings are completely gone, they just crumbled I had to redo some of the glue between fender and birdcage, other than that a really easy swap
Here's the driver side door removed, had to fix a few small issues with the old glue..... Going to paint the jam area before I put the doors on.....

Nice work. Painless makes a nice latching relay with a remote switch. Put one in my Camaro as they are easy to steal.
Here's the driver side door removed, had to fix a few small issues with the old glue..... Going to paint the jam area before I put the doors on.....

Karsten, Have a question about removing and re-installing the doors (with the front clip on). Did you remove the hinge bolts holding the door to the car or the bolts holding the door to the hinge? Or, does it matter? When installing the door, are the hinges mounted to the door or the car?

Karsten, Have a question about removing and re-installing the doors (with the front clip on). Did you remove the hinge bolts holding the door to the car or the bolts holding the door to the hinge? Or, does it matter? When installing the door, are the hinges mounted to the door or the car?


It does not matter, have to "correct" one of my previous posts..... I did not realize that the hinges are bolted on from the inside of the car so you CAN remove the doors with the hinges attached to them.....
Made another mistake...... the doors must be unbolted from the hinges first, can't get to the bolts that hold the hinge to the A pillar..... My initial plan was to leave the hinges bolted to the doors and swap the hinges with the doors, too bad that won't work....
Maybe I should have looked at this before I bought another set of hinges :crap:

I didn't know that. I have kicked around removing the steel shims on the hinges and replacing them with a similar thickness piece of aluminum.

Thanks for the info.

I was wrong, you can get to those bolts from the INSIDE of the car, the bolts are installed from there... So yes, you CAN remove the doors with the hinges attached..... Guess I had a brainfart, I thought the bolt heads are outside, not inside.....
It's coming together!
Quick question (or 2) Karsten - what type of gun are you using?
HVLP/detail/rattle can?​
Are you doing all your spray outside - or just the door jambs?

I hope to be moving to paint in a few weeks (at least the interior) - so want to plan ahead - while the cage is being built this week.

Cheers - Jim
For primer I use a Harbor Freight cheap HVLP gun, probably 20$ on sale..... Sometimes when I'm lazy I use it for base/clear as well so I only have to clean one gun and not too.... The Ttops for example I sprayed with the cheap gun ....

For everything I want to look nice I use a DeVilbiss Finishline gun (hvlp) for base/clear . I don't shoot primer thru the "good" gun :)

Inside/outside: inside is more dust, outside are bugs .... Both not ideal ... When I paint something big inside I mask the walls and wet the floor .....
I shot my car inside with the door open, did wet the floor, and hung plastic.....

found out it was a waste of time, as had to reshoot, and got lazy....either way the paint looks like shit, and it's not from dust, either.....

I hate to paint....even latex on my walls....

Yes, painting can be a real pain .... Lol ....

Here's the door painted: front of the door needed to match the lighter blue of the fender, the rear part needed to match the darker blue of the quarter .... Plus there are more metal flakes on the fender than on the quarter ... When I did the front flares over a year ago I got a little crazy with the flakes so it wouldn't match the door anymore ....

Anyway .... This is what I call a nice color match:

How the hell did you get to the top hinge bolts? They look hidden up under the dash.

not all that bad actually, a 4" extension on a 1/2" drive ratchet and a 9/16" socket .... That's to loosen the the bolts , during fitting and adjusting the door I just used a 9/16" deep socket and my 18V impact driver .... No sweat .....
How the hell did you get to the top hinge bolts? They look hidden up under the dash.

not all that bad actually, a 4" extension on a 1/2" drive ratchet and a 9/16" socket .... That's to loosen the the bolts , during fitting and adjusting the door I just used a 9/16" deep socket and my 18V impact driver .... No sweat .....

Okay, good. Thanks!