Hammerhead part II

Cool. Did you get the intercoolers plumbed in?

Nope,not yet.I'm still working a few other things first.I was a little disappointed in it on the way to the cruise.It loaded up on me when I got stuck behind farmer Joe and his huge tractor at 5mph!!!(Would not pull off and let the long line of cars clear!)Anyways it never cleaned back up for me!
I'm not as close as I thought.
Randy, you got one hell of a balls out over the top project there man, one of my favorites in a fair sized list....you have more talent than I do, so I need you to come down here and spread your talent around....:D:trumpet::harhar:

then my car can have fine type work too....


Thanks, but that's a beautiful vette that you have!!!You are doing a fine job with it.(I should be talking you into helping me actually finnish mine.:beer:
(It could happen!!!)LOL!