Help with the 49 Bentley

Sounds like a fun project you've got there. How about some photos like you "promised"? BTW, I also have some tank engines, Rolls Royce Meteor Mark IV V12 27 litre babies. For the metrically challenged, that's about 1619 cubic inches.

Trying to work out what chassis to put one in. I'm looking at a Holden one tonner chassis. That's a 111" wheelbase box perimeter chassis fitted under the Holden one ton utility or "cab/chassis", that is derived from the Holden passenger cars of the mid seventies.

I might have to go to a Chev C20 long wheelbase chassis though, as the Holden might be too short. I've got a picture of Jay Leno's "Tank Car" in mind, but mine won't look anywhere that good. Not enough $$$$$$$$$. But first, the Corvette.............!!

Regards from Down Under:drink:


Shit mate, I have to see this when you get it going. Where'd you get the engines from? How many do you have? I've always wanted a Merlin or Griffon but not to put in a vehicle (although that would be super fun too) but to cut it away like an instructional engine and have it on display in "Bloke World" (my shed).
Got any pics of these tank engines?

Sorry Jeff, back to your thread...

I bought four of them from the Australian Army over 20 years ago. They had 110 Centurion battle tanks and 110 spare engines. When an engine developed a problem, they didn't work on it in the tank, they just yanked the whole unit and replaced it with a re-coed engine. The damaged unit was pulled apart and repaired at the workshop.

Anyways, they replaced them with the German Leopard tanks, diesel powered, and sold off first, all of the spare engines, then a year later, all of the tanks. Most of the tanks and some of the engines were bought by Tim Vibert, who lives in a small hamlet north of Albury. I've been there and he had tanks all over the place. God knows what he's gonna do with 'em.

I have to tell you, I would be very upset if anyone cut one of these beautiful engines up, just to show its insides. They don't make them any more and haven't for almost seventy years. I want to see them run. Or at least complete and looking like they'll run.

Regards from Down Under:drink:

Good find mate, what did you pay for them back then, if you don't mind me asking.

I'd only chop up a dead engine, I'd prefer to have a running one even just in a stand. When I did my RAAF trade training years ago, they had several cut away Merlins and I heard that they were sold off as scrap!
in the air and space musuem at dulles international airport in VA they have what i think is called a "radial engine" from a Bi is sectioned and has some sort of elecrtic motor that allows it to rotate....its cools as wife thinks i am nuts when i just stand there staring at it
in the air and space musuem at dulles international airport in VA they have what i think is called a "radial engine" from a Bi is sectioned and has some sort of elecrtic motor that allows it to rotate....its cools as wife thinks i am nuts when i just stand there staring at it

MY wife KNOWS, and I don't even HAVE to stare....:eek::twitch::):footmouth: