Here we go again!!!!!


Heart Attack
Mar 24, 2008
Damm we are under Tornado warnings again tonight :shocking::surrender:
Tim,hope your insurance is paid up on the trailer,it might just get damaged yet
What's a tornado?

A tornado is what ripped through my neck of the woods Thrusday evening. You might have seen it on CNN/MSNBC. Guilford county/Greensboro NC.

The tornado ripped through a neiborhood 2 miles from where I work which is about 7 miles from where I live. Happened about 11:00pm. My son was looking out his bedroom window watching the heavy flipped over, houses ripped apart, 3 semi's blown off of I40....nasty stuff!
What's a tornado?

Everything is good here just alot of rain and wind,had to get off here all of a sudden,my 3year old little girl decided my recliner needed a big drink of water while i was sitting in it :eek: she opened up the arm rest and dumped it in :sos:,while i was cleaning that mess up my mother called she lives in the SW corner of Mo where i'm originaly from and told me that some towns just across the border in KS and OK just got blown off the map,Jeff you might know this town Picher OK,use to go over there to ride dirt bikes on the old tailings,well the town has been re-located.
What do tornados and red necks have in common?

They are both attracted to TRAILER PARKS..

Part of the one there in KC a week or so ago was about 6 blocks from my house-

Kevin lost some fence, and got enough free insulation to build a large doghouse..
How did you fare Saturday, You were right,, that area took a real pounding,,, this is a main reason I moved to AZ,, 1/4" of rain in the last year,,, But there was a small tornado here several years back,, every one thought it was just a big wind storm..
Southwestern Missouri and Eastern Oklahoma got hit hard last night. 37 tornados! Welcome to tornado alley.

Yip,thats where i'm from,2miles from KS border and about 10 from OK border,place gets hit hard every year and they did last night. Lived in Carl Junction Mo.
I"m tell you all WHAT, it don't necessarily take a toronado to tear hell out of a hood in a micro second....

Long time ago in the Wash DC burbs....I was redoing a kitchen and into the end of first week, so it was serviceable...but not finished....lucky for ME and HER....

got a AAA mergency call from an olde customer of mine....he says Gene, need you to drop your doings if you CAN, and fix a kitchen in a rental I own...

I asked why....he says.....a 5' DIAMETER cycamore tree got blown on top of my house....and wife/me need move into one of our vacant rentals...but need a fix up to make it liveable for us....

OK, so I broke off the jobsite, and switched over.....

I had just finished that mans' kitchen and some custom woodworking in his office...adjacent to his roof hothouse...

well....seems some storm blew through. leveling many trees around that town...taking his tree right through the house I just in he survives while standing in the bathroom cussing about some white tie dinner he dressing for, the whole house shakes like a earthquake....he runs 1/2 naked down the hall, the wife's bedroom door, and sees a tree trunk.....

the comic about it....when I finished my work on his house....I inquiree as to the mortar in the bricks looking sorta strange....he says it's sand mix concrete and being built in the 20's 'it would take an act of GOD' to knock it down.....

not that he minded loosing that tree, alive since George Washington's time...but the fact of the removal process taking some 3 cranes to remove the tree.....15-30-finally a 45 TON crane for getting the trunk off the joint to minimise damage....

no biggie...just that the final crane had taken his BRAND NEW concrete driveway and turned it into beach sand.....

too boot today, the plane into here from DFW, to ATL then into here, the last leg was bumpy as a Cigarette on open ocean....and we lost the tops off our Cherry tree today....freeking WIND aint' nuttin' to fuck with....

and as an old sailer man on many a boat from 12-34' over the years, alls I can say is handle the Jib and Main sheet on a good blow....and makes us wonder why a highrise building stands....
