Hey Red

As I understand it, the heads were lost in the mail and a refund should be coming my way next week.

Any update?...I got nothing exciting going on right now....need a good fight to liven things up a bit.:clobbered:

I got a good one for you...will PM the link

What, no sharing with the whole gang?
I agree...wtf?

Hey........what I miss?:lol:
At this time there is no news to report. The wheels are in motion to get me the refund I need to buy another set of heads. There is no-one on this board who wants this more than me, but nothing can speed up the process, so I wait.

In the mean time, I'm thinking about how I can build a better 355 vortec head engine producing a minimum of 425 HP @ 5800-6000 RPM. Cost is an issue, so I need to spend my money wisely. This is why I chose Vortec heads, but maybe Patriot would also do? What i can save on the heads i am going to put into a CC 288HR cam. I'm planning on using an Eddlebrock Air Gap intake and 750 DP Holley. The engine is going into my 79 bracket racer, so it needs to be strong and get me to the track and back home. Anybody build one that meets my need? I could go to the engine forum, but this is the waiting room.:wink:
Patriot would also do???? Those heads he is selling (and not sending) are ProComp heads, they're virtually identical to Patriot heads they're all Chinese. I wouldn't be surprised if they came from the same foundry. He was selling them as brodix heads at first, my brother stepped in and informed the public over there that they were in fact procomp heads, the part number even started with PCXXXXX where PC = ProComp.
They "morphed" from Brodix to ProComp....this is getting better and better :lol:

There was an issue with ProComp heads being sold as 190cc and in fact they were smaller, I believe 170cc like my Edelbrock heads....

What about the Summit brand heads, did you look into those ?
At this time there is no news to report. The wheels are in motion to get me the refund I need to buy another set of heads. There is no-one on this board who wants this more than me, but nothing can speed up the process, so I wait.
"wheels are in motion"!?!? WTF!? How long does it take to credit your PayPal account or send you a cashier's check?
At this time there is no news to report. The wheels are in motion to get me the refund I need to buy another set of heads. There is no-one on this board who wants this more than me, but nothing can speed up the process, so I wait.
"wheels are in motion"!?!? WTF!? How long does it take to credit your PayPal account or send you a cashier's check?
Yeah, I thought the same thing - PayPal's almost instant :confused:
You guys would make a good posse, but for good or bad, the days of frontier justice are gone. There is no pay pal or electronic mailing available in this case, without getting into details. I feel confident I will eventually have my refund, so I am focusing on the build.

My concern with heads is not with where they are made, but performance. I will cc the chambers and runners before I do anything, so I will know what I have. Since I am starting from scratch on choosing heads, all those I passed on are back on the list. I liked the modified Vortec heads because of performance available and price. Scoggin Dickey, Summit Canfield, GM Performance, etc, etc. have all been looked at. Cost is an issue, so I'm looking for the biggest bang for what little I have to spend.

I'm staying with a 355 and not stroking due to cost. Also, it is going into a bracket racer, so i don't need torque that will create traction issues. It will be built on a 4-bolt 3970010 high nickle block. The cast crank may be good to go without a cut and I will reuse the original rods after cleaning and balancing. The block will be decked, but I want the heads before any decisions are made in that regard. My experience building engines has been limited to stock rebuilds. Choosing HP parts is limited to following guidance from books by David Vizard and others. Those who have built a 355 similar to what I'm after might make suggestions on parts that work best.

It doesn't appear I will have the engine ready for the beginning of the 09 Summit Points season, so my old motor will have to do. Once I get my slipping transmission swapped out, I'll be back in action. Thanks MYBAD79!!
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Do a search on patriot heads here, I posted some NICE pics of some ford heads. You'll love them. Then make up your mind again. If it were me, I'd get some nice iron dart or brodix heads instead.

If you are staying with a 355, check out some L98 heads. With a little work then will run quite good. Here's my brothers car with some reworked zz4 heads. The thing runs pretty damn good if I say so myself. It's still running a little rough and cold, these were taking sometime shortly after initial startup. Some ignition and carb tuning and it'll run silky smooth.

Yeah...your brother has a nice ride there! Do you know what your brother did to his ZZ4 heads as part of his 'working them.' Sometimes the machine work costs more than the parts being worked on. Was his block decked? It pays to take advantage of the aluminum and up the squeeze. This is what I had hoped to do with the AL Vortec heads, but that remains a big question mark. Since I have bigger fish to fry at this time, the motor is on hold until I get all my ducks in a row. At this time my flock has scattered and i'm trying to reel them in. :fishing:
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At this time there is no news to report. The wheels are in motion to get me the refund I need to buy another set of heads. There is no-one on this board who wants this more than me, but nothing can speed up the process, so I wait.
"wheels are in motion"!?!? WTF!? How long does it take to credit your PayPal account or send you a cashier's check?

I agree. The complacency in the matter is mind boggling. The chosen one is a thief, liar, and hypocrite. The wool is over so many eyes, it just boggles my mind.