Holley American made right?


Almost broke my 3rd.....member
May 14, 2008
New Hampshire
For some reason I manage to make the vacuum secendaries open quite often.
This time it bit me in the ass. After the little run she coughed and gag with alot of black smoke and a few back fires out o the side pipes and died. Open hood, gas all over the intake, could see gas drippen from the secendaries shaft, and fuel pressure gage at 0 psi, always stays at 6 psi for a few days.
Tore the carb off and brought it home. Open the her up and DID YOU HEAR ME "WTF"

Dam screws were loose and one backed out far enough to wedge the float.

Yup, thats one of Lar's paper to the left.

For once a problem that didn't cost any $$$$$$ just time and a Gal :friends:that will let me strip a carb on the coffee table.

Michael ..........Feeling better now.