Home-made Rack & Pinion [LOTS OF PICS]


Well-known member
Sep 25, 2008
Jersey Shore
Ok, throughout my research, this post should cover most of the questions about the GrandAm rack and pinion conversion. I tried to get all of the major points from other threads and put them all into this one. I did this in a one car garage, with no heat :crazy: , lift, or special tools. The major power tools I used were a small Lincoln gasless MIG welder, Sawzall, and an angle grinder/cutoff-wheel. Patience and desire is a must, along with some fab and design skills. I’m only 18, so I’m sure you older guys could tackle this project too. One thing to keep in mind though is that you do steer the car with this. So think the project through very thoroughly before tackling it.

I tried to take as many pictures as I could during this project, but I probably missed a few detailed shots. You should be able to get the idea of what I am talking about with the pictures I have though.
Before taking anything apart, I drove the front wheels onto a set of Rhino Ramps. (Along with jack stands under the frame) This made it so that I could take measurements for things like tie-rod length and position with the suspension at ride height, and still be able to get under the car. (barely)
First thing I did was disassemble the old system.
It is helpful to have another person to pull out the box – I couldn’t get my headers (Hooker sidemounts) out without taking the box out and the box wasn’t coming out with the headers in :toilet . So I had the headers un-bolted, and moved them enough to get to the nuts securing the box to the frame. Once unbolted, I had another person hold the box from the top of the car while I was waiting to catch it from underneath the car. It’s nice to have the other person there, so they can slowly let the box down to you, rather do it yourself and to have it fall on you, because the weight of the box can surprise you. I also had to pull the clutch Z-bar to get the headers out. It also just gives more room to work, even if you can take the headers out with the Z-bar still in.
I pulled the old system out as one unit; I just unbolted the idler arm from the frame, and the tie-rods from the spindles.
Still haven’t figured out why my camera always takes blurry pics, but you get the idea:

Nice and roomy now that everything is out:

I bought a remanufactured rack for a 1992 Pontiac GrandAm from AutoZone for about $160, that’s including the $80 core charge
I got the sport steer (2.5 turns lock to lock I believe), non variable assist rack AutoZone P/N 6449
The remanufactured racks DO NOT come with the brackets OR tie-rod bolts. I went to a junk yard and had them pull a rack and made sure they got the brackets to mount the rack. One thing I forgot to do was have the junk yard include the tie-rod bolts. They charged me $50 for the rack and brackets. I went to a Pontiac dealer and they told me that GM no longer manufactures this bolt, so they have to special order it from some warehouse - $28 for the two bolts :thud: (AutoZone didn’t care that I brought them a standard steer rack back, although I didn’t tell them I brought them a different one)

Here is the driver’s side clamp for the rack. This holds 90% of the lateral forces put on the rack when steering the car. Stock, they have holes sized for the bolt on the left. That just doesn’t look strong enough to me. There is plenty of meat on the bracket to drill it out for a larger bolt:

I started messing around with positioning of the rack, so I put some jack-stands under it to hold it in place while looking for a good final position. I have rope holding it up in this picture so I could move it around easier. I tried to get it tucked up as high as I could:

I chose to cut a notch in the motor mount, so I could tilt the rack input more horizontal to prevent U-joint binding: (With the box and clutch linkage out, it is surprisingly easy to get a sidemount header in place by yourself if you have the car high enough. Having the header in is essential for positioning of the rack input with the U-joints as is gets pretty close)

If you look closely at that last picture you will notice that I shortened my column shaft. At stock length, it is impossible to use only two regular U-joints. You should be able to hammer on the end of the shaft and it should go in as far as you need. (DO NOT hammer directly on the end of the shaft; use a block of wood or something to protect the splines at the end) If it won’t budge, you can refer to my “Shortening the steering column” thread. There are a few pictures in there that should help with the disassembly of the column (already out of the car).
I used flaming river U-joints with a DD shaft on my car. The steering column is 1”-48spline and the rack is a 17mm DD.
Part numbers for the ones I used: (summit racing)
FLA-FR1712DD – 1”-48 + ¾ DD
FLA-FR1759DD – 17mm DD + ¾ DD
FLA-FR1850 –18” ¾ DD shaft –just enough to mess up once
This was the most expensive purchase of the whole project at around $180

One thing I never heard other people mention was the hard-lines that run across the rack. They hit the oil pan, and came close to the tie-rod bracket in the position I had the rack, so I straightened them out, and re-routed them to the lower rear of the rack. You can cut off the fittings on the passenger’s side of the rack if you have a double flaring tool so you can make the lines shorter if need be. I used a compression fitting on one of the lines (1/4” line) to make it longer:

For the tie-rods, I had just done the VB&P performance upgrade last winter, so I kept my MOOG ball-joints at the spindle end, along with the HD tie-rod sleeves. For the rack end, I used a HD chrome moly heim-joint with a ½” hole and 5/8” 18 thread (1 left and 1 right-hand thread)
Part numbers (speedway motors)
91002126 – RH thread
91002326 – LH thread
These were around $45

When I had mine in the final position, I went over this little checklist to make sure everything will work in the position I had it.
-Do the U-joints bind?
-Do you have header clearance?
-Can you access the pressure and return lines for the pump?
-Do the hardlines contact anything that could chafe them over time?
-Does the front driver’s side tire clear the rack under full turn? (My 245/45/17 with a 4” backspace TT2 wheel is about 3” from the rack at full turn)
-Does the suspension come in contact with anything under full compression/droop?

Now that everything was double checked and in alignment, I started to make some brackets. I used 1”x1.5” tubing with a 1/16th” wall thickness. The rubber mounts on the rack measure 15/16”, so 1” tubing fits nicely. I braced the bracket with 1/8th” steel plate.
I welded nuts to the inside of the tubing, and boxed in the whole thing: (same goes for the passenger side)

All of my brackets are welded to the frame; I don’t plan on returning it to stock. Although, I have seen a few nice ones (not steeroids) that were bolted to the original box mounts and the four holes on the bottom of the frame rail.
On my bracket, there is a plate that is welded to the inside of the frame rail (similar to the spot the box was mounted) and is welded to the mount in the above picture. Here it is, everything here is 1/8th” steel

Next is the passenger side bracket. I made the same style bracket out of my 1x1.5 tubing and 1/8” bracing:

Hooker side mounts make it hard to have anything bolt up using the stock idler arm bolt holes, so mounting the bracket from the inside of the frame rail was not an option in my case. My bracket is welded to the bottom of the motor-mount, and the frame rail:
When I notched the frame, it allowed the rack to move more forward on the frame, which made it easier on the U-joints, but makes it very tight for the tie-rod bracket. I don’t particularly like the way the steeroids bracket is designed, plus to make it as strong as I would like, it would not allow the bracket to fit in-between the lower control arms and the rack. I went with some more square tubing (1.5x1.5”, 1/8” wall) to connect the two tie-rods together. I welded some 1/8” plate on the ends where the bolts go through to reinforce it:

Here is that bracket completed with the mount that bolts it to the rack, and painted:

I placed that bracket so that it made the tie-rods as parallel to the control arms as possible, and also the same pivoting length to reduce bump-steer as much as possible:

Next, I painted everything and started final assembly. Here is the car at ride height. The passenger side bracket is the lowest point of the whole system, and it is barely lower than my headers:

Driver’s side is a little higher than the headers (now everyone can see one of the many reasons my car is a good 10-footer  :

With the car on the ground (concrete floor) I had a friend turn the wheel lock to lock while I watched the brackets. There was absolutely no flex in both directions, on both brackets.

Here is the car up on my Rhino Ramps, I put the rack as high as I could, and I believe it’s only a little bit higher than the Steeroids unit. You can see that the bellhousing is still the lowest point on the car:

Here is the steering shaft showing clearance with the headers:

Overall, it was not as hard as I thought it would be. At some points during the fabrication I wondered what I got myself into, but I allowed myself to walk away, and rethink what it was I had to do. If you don’t have a lot of patience, this may not be for you. I learned a lot about steering systems and design, along with some fabrication techniques. As of now, I don’t have any power steering parts hooked up yet, but to be honest, it seems easier to turn the wheels when the car is stationary than my old steering box setup. Just steering it back and forth on the garage floor, I can really feel a difference in how smooth and responsive it is compared to my old sloppy box. I am yet to take it for a test drive because of some starting problems :bang , but hopefully I can get it sorted out tomorrow before I have to go back to school. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed the pictures and hope that this will encourage people who are skeptical to make the kit themselves to go out and do it. :thumbsup:
Also, here is my total cost list (not including steel)
- Remanufactured steering rack…….$165.00 ($85 core charge included)
-Junkyard rack and brackets…………..$50.00
-Various grade 8 bolts………………..~~$10.00
-Tie-rod bolts ………………………………...$28.00
-Heim joints……………………………….…..$48.00
-2 U-joints and steering shaft………...$181.00
_____________________________ - $85 core charge

TOTAL COST= $397.00 :drink:
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Awesome write-up and a job well done :thumbs:

I'm going to do this conversion too, already have the rack sitting on the shelf. At this time I am actually considering getting a manual rack instead (again).... a few GrandAms were offered with manual steering....can't wait to hear from you how hard it is to turn the power rack without power assist... I assume the manual rack turns easier than that.

You're saying you reinforced the frame in the areas you welded to ? The brackets look good but keep in mind that the frame remains the weakest link, the last weld is made to the weak frame material that is only stitch welded from the factory. On the driver side I prefer a plate that is bolted to the frame, then the lower bracket can be welded to that plate and the frame - this might be way overkill but as you said: this is what you use to steer the car....

TT opened up the steering box mounting holes and welded pipes inside the frame to keep it from collapsing under the bolt torque. :thumbs::thumbs:

Some of your welds look really good considering you're using a gasless welder - I had a flux core unit for 5 years and I always had to grind to make it look somewhat nice....

Again: great job, can't wait to hear (read) your report once you get to drive the car with (and without) power assist.
I might consider using a manual rack, but only with a slower ratio (non-sport). I will give up some quickness for easier parking lot steering effort..,
Finally got the car started today, and all i can say is WOW. it is a whole new car. I do not have the PS pump hooked up, and it is still easy to turn, even at slow speeds. I can do a K-turn with no problem, and driving around at anything above 10mph, you would never know its not power steering. parking lot speeds requires minimal effort compared to what was needed for my box. from this little test drive around the block, i would like to leave it manual steering, unless it is a requirement for the rack to stay lubricated with the pump.
I do have summer tires on right now (245/45/17 Nitto 555 both around 28-29psi), and im sure in the summer i will notice a difference in how easy it is to turn at slow speeds, but this is significantly easier than my old box.
This is the quick ratio rack too
Nice job on the conversion.

I have a question. You said that you didn't see any movement in the rack when someone was turning the wheel while stationary. Don't you see any give in the rubber isolator mounts on rack? Seems like there would be at least a little give there.
Nice job on the conversion.

I have a question. You said that you didn't see any movement in the rack when someone was turning the wheel while stationary. Don't you see any give in the rubber isolator mounts on rack? Seems like there would be at least a little give there.

I guess i should clarify that, i meant to say that i saw no movement of the brackets. i do have the rubber isolators compressed really good with the square tubing, so the amount that the actual rack moves is extremely minimal, but it does move a little
Kid, for 18 y/o you do damn fine wor, I see that as just as good if not better than my design, exectution, but I have to say you used some of my concepts, and yes, you have NO lateral in that rack worth mentioning other than the biscuits and the frame itself which is much greater without a cross support from upper arm to upper arm.....

Two comments, your pix of the unfinished tie rod bar there, shows a sawzall blade cut into the steel there you notched that tube.....that needs be welded in or rounded out to relieve for stress crack formation....must do....

secondary comment is I really don't care for heim joints for street use, there has to be a reason they not popular on factory cars, and I"m not second guess the construction techniques for some 60 freekin years of factory production....

SO get some stell block machined for your particular position and get that rabbit to using stock tie rod ends.....

do you have equal length tie rods??? I do not, driver's is 19 pass is 21, I have unequal bump steer but so it's a compromise.....I have a really short adaptor block to keep any slop/twist to a total absolute minimum on that rack output traveller there...

Hell of a brain there kid.....doing well.....you do this alone??? must have had a sympathetic person helping.....:rolleyes::bestwishes:
Nice job.
You used the "sport" rack 2.5 turns lock to lock. Do you know what the standard power rack is? 2.75 turns? Do you know if the standard rack is the same steering ratio with extended stops or a different ratio?

Nice job.
You used the "sport" rack 2.5 turns lock to lock. Do you know what the standard power rack is? 2.75 turns? Do you know if the standard rack is the same steering ratio with extended stops or a different ratio?


Im not sure. The autozone parts website describes the sport rack as "more difficult to steer" so i can only assume that it is in fact a quicker ratio, not just shorter stops
thanks Gene :D I did round off that section there, good catch.
My tierods are equal length, i believe they are somewhere around 15.5-16" long. I wanted minimal bumpsteer, so that explains the extreme offset of the mount for the tierods.
The reason i used the heim was for ease of fabrication. i would have had to machine some kind of tapered hole to use the stock ball joint.
also, the only help i got was from you guys on the forum. no other outside help

again, thanks for all the compliments guys :thumbs:
Nice job.
You used the "sport" rack 2.5 turns lock to lock. Do you know what the standard power rack is? 2.75 turns? Do you know if the standard rack is the same steering ratio with extended stops or a different ratio?


Im not sure. The autozone parts website describes the sport rack as "more difficult to steer" so i can only assume that it is in fact a quicker ratio, not just shorter stops
I have a Steeroids set up and the car is touchy at speed. I thought I'd try a standard rack to slow down the steering a little.
TT opened up the steering box mounting holes and welded pipes inside the frame to keep it from collapsing under the bolt torque. :thumbs::thumbs:

The steering box mounting holes have support tubes inside from the factory. The ones i welded up are the frame jig holes. There are several of those and the Flaming River rack uses some of those to bolt down the cradle. They supply cage bolts but these jig hols are simple flared tound holes. So, the square tubes serve a dual purpose, it keeps the bolts from pinching in the frame and it keeps the carriage bolts from rotating :D
IF I had this kids' welding ability, I would have welded up my own like he did, but he caught the prime stress point, same as I did, which is why Steeriods and ultimately VBP use about 50 lbs of 1/4 inch steel welded up like mad, and still have flex....

I found my side/side due to the rubber collar lateral give to be about 1/16" to each side, maybe as much as 1/8 TOTAL....and with that cross support in there, nothing on the frame flex...nothing visual anyway....The pass side has absolutely NO resistance to that rack tube slipping through the doughnut...so it's just a vertical/fore-aft support....

SO that comment the racks can not be done with two universals is once again proven to be bullshit....

Hey-427, you do nice work and a great write-up. At 18 I'd say you are ahead of your age and have a bright future. One day I may install a manual rack and be finally rid of the leaky unit on my 79. I'll be looking back at your write up when I do, thanks!
427 and Sting, two kids on here that I know of, doing such outstanding work....and to boot well documented, maybe there IS hope for the future after all.....:bounce::bump:

which all in all, beats a fart can and some sticker on a import POS of some kind.... these kids actually KNOW something, and PROVING it.....

Thanks guys, that means alot :drink:
I only wish i could at least be driving it. as soon as I had it finished, i had to go back up to school. Its such a tease looking at these pictures :suicide:
Eh, at YOUR age, just think of all the jail bait you can pick up with that car....

:evil: same thing I tell my son when he inherits my vette....:gurney:
I realise this is not a current thread. Being a newbie here when I have the time I am reading older threads.

I have a recommendation to all that use heim joints, either on the track or on the street -put a HARDENED steel washer with an O.D. as large as the O.D. of the heim joint between the heim joint and the fastener, unless the heim joint is captured between 2 structural pieces.