Home remedy for GOP voters

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I was recently reading the the national dept and personal credit has been increasing heavily over the last 30 years. Then I read that the GOP has been in power for most of those years.:shocking:

As far as I can see the USA is Fucked no matter who is elected..............Big business and big banks will still control there guys in congress and the WH.


I was recently reading the the national dept and personal credit has been increasing heavily over the last 30 years. Then I read that the GOP has been in power for most of those years.:shocking:

As far as I can see the USA is Fucked no matter who is elected..............Big business and big banks will still control there guys in congress and the WH.



Too bad the Government can be run like a fiscally responsible, well run company.....if it was, our discussions would be different.
I'm really trying to stay out of these threads because I don't want to not like any of you, but lately it seems like OT has turned into PR&C. :goodnight:

I saw this post at one of the other PR&C threads that have been posted here recently. I couldn't agree more.

Can't we go back to talking about cars? Does anyone really think that these "topics" are going to change anyone's mind about their political or religious beliefs?

In addition, there are tons of forums out there for this PR&C stuff. They have a 1000+ people online all day long. Why here, I don't get it.
I was recently reading the the national dept and personal credit has been increasing heavily over the last 30 years. Then I read that the GOP has been in power for most of those years.:shocking:

As far as I can see the USA is Fucked no matter who is elected..............Big business and big banks will still control there guys in congress and the WH.


No, No, No. There IS still hope for us.
We just need to get back to the basics that made us great in the first place.
We can start by getting rid of leaders whose pastors scream in their sermons "GOD DAMM THE USA".

Neither party/candidate has presented any solution. Know why? They just don't fuggin know how.

Well, actually, the Republicans have submitted budgets that will control deficet spending and the Dems have voted it down. Harry Ried has not allowed a Democrat proposed budget to get out of commitee and go for a full senate vote. Obama has ignored the recommendations of his appointed spedial budget commitee. GM, that we bailed out with my and your money, spent $300 MILLION to sponsor a English soccor team, etc. , etc.
And, granted, nobody may know exactly what to do, but we all know that if something (feel good socialism) has not worked for 3 1/2yrs here, and many more yrs in Europe, then it probably won't work here in the future.
Maybe we can just blame it on Bush for ever???
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I'm really trying to stay out of these threads because I don't want to not like any of you, but lately it seems like OT has turned into PR&C. :goodnight:

I saw this post at one of the other PR&C threads that have been posted here recently. I couldn't agree more.

Can't we go back to talking about cars? Does anyone really think that these "topics" are going to change anyone's mind about their political or religious beliefs?

In addition, there are tons of forums out there for this PR&C stuff. They have a 1000+ people online all day long. Why here, I don't get it.

Well, this is Off Topic.
I believe that all of us should be aware of both sides of any issue that will affect us all. And since the news media is so totally biased, a good discussion may be the only way to see the truth.
But, feel free to ignore me whenever.
I'm really trying to stay out of these threads because I don't want to not like any of you, but lately it seems like OT has turned into PR&C. :goodnight:

I saw this post at one of the other PR&C threads that have been posted here recently. I couldn't agree more.

Can't we go back to talking about cars? Does anyone really think that these "topics" are going to change anyone's mind about their political or religious beliefs?

In addition, there are tons of forums out there for this PR&C stuff. They have a 1000+ people online all day long. Why here, I don't get it.

Well, this is Off Topic.
I believe that all of us should be aware of both sides of any issue that will affect us all. And since the news media is so totally biased, a good discussion may be the only way to see the truth.
But, feel free to ignore me whenever.

I see your point but the difference in VM and other forums is that this is a hobby forum. The number of posts are not important here. Most forums actually promote conflict because post count goes up and revenue goes up. Also, as I said before, the audience at those forums are MUCH bigger.

I guess my point is, this is a very small community (at VM). Let's say (sort of) like a family. In my family, i have a brother who I disagree with politically. We don't talk about politics because it just would cause problems. Also, I could argue my side all day long and never convince him I was right.

In the past few days I have seen people at VM alienated by "discussions" about politics and religion. No good can come from this, I guarantee it.
I'm really trying to stay out of these threads because I don't want to not like any of you, but lately it seems like OT has turned into PR&C. :goodnight:

I saw this post at one of the other PR&C threads that have been posted here recently. I couldn't agree more.

Can't we go back to talking about cars? Does anyone really think that these "topics" are going to change anyone's mind about their political or religious beliefs?

In addition, there are tons of forums out there for this PR&C stuff. They have a 1000+ people online all day long. Why here, I don't get it.

Well, this is Off Topic.
I believe that all of us should be aware of both sides of any issue that will affect us all. And since the news media is so totally biased, a good discussion may be the only way to see the truth.
But, feel free to ignore me whenever.

I see your point but the difference in VM and other forums is that this is a hobby forum. The number of posts are not important here. Most forums actually promote conflict because post count goes up and revenue goes up. Also, as I said before, the audience at those forums are MUCH bigger.

I guess my point is, this is a very small community (at VM). Let's say (sort of) like a family. In my family, i have a brother who I disagree with politically. We don't talk about politics because it just would cause problems. Also, I could argue my side all day long and never convince him I was right.

In the past few days I have seen people at VM alienated by "discussions" about politics and religion. No good can come from this, I guarantee it.

I fully support "discussions" but normally when you talk politics or religion nothing good is coming out of it and it can easily turn friends into enemies.....
Just like Larry said above....

Personally, I'd hate to see a great car site take a turn south because of members fighting over political or religious bullshit....

as much as we bitch about it, we won't change the world..... the world is already a dump and the average human life expectancy is what? 80 years ??? won't change all that crap in 80 years.... just make the best out of it....
Denpo, here's a critique of your video. With all do respect, your video only shows the lack of knowledge and the hate against corporations many liberals and some non have. Then to think just because I watch some slick video/commercial, I'm going to be brainwashed by it.


Bangkok Dean that's funny as all. The slapping really makes the video, reminds me of?


Do you see something odd about this 2008 list? Who's #1 and #3 and oh gosh #2?
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Denpo, here's a critique of your video. With all do respect, your video only shows the lack of knowledge and the hate against corporations many liberals and some non have. Then to think just because I watch some slick video/commercial, I'm going to be brainwashed by it.
I'm halfway into the video and he makes good points.
The one I posted is surely too witty to be impartial.
I respect entrepreneurship, very noble endeavor actually.
But when the stuff become too big, I don't know, it gets creepy.

Surely some companies prove doing the good pays off, like Kellog's in is debut, Costco, Google or more recently Five Guys Burger, but let's face it, for many of them the goal is to be as painless as possible when they ram it down your ass.
I got a good story about jet printer ink, but no time.

Do you see something odd about this 2008 list? Who's #1 and #3 and oh gosh #2?
Very interresting link.
But when the stuff become too big, I don't know, it gets creepy.

Yes they become almost government like. If the government didn't have so much power the corporations wouldn't be trying to control the law. In fact government is the reason we have giant corporations and too big to fail etc.
But when the stuff become too big, I don't know, it gets creepy.

Yes they become almost government like. If the government didn't have so much power the corporations wouldn't be trying to control the law. In fact government is the reason we have giant corporations and too big to fail etc.

I can't argue that point. I still think if GM were to have followed due process filing bankruptcy, they would today be a growing corp.

I'm really trying to stay out of these threads because I don't want to not like any of you, but lately it seems like OT has turned into PR&C. :goodnight:

I saw this post at one of the other PR&C threads that have been posted here recently. I couldn't agree more.

Can't we go back to talking about cars? Does anyone really think that these "topics" are going to change anyone's mind about their political or religious beliefs?

In addition, there are tons of forums out there for this PR&C stuff. They have a 1000+ people online all day long. Why here, I don't get it.

Well, this is Off Topic.
I believe that all of us should be aware of both sides of any issue that will affect us all. And since the news media is so totally biased, a good discussion may be the only way to see the truth.
But, feel free to ignore me whenever.

I see your point but the difference in VM and other forums is that this is a hobby forum. The number of posts are not important here. Most forums actually promote conflict because post count goes up and revenue goes up. Also, as I said before, the audience at those forums are MUCH bigger.

I guess my point is, this is a very small community (at VM). Let's say (sort of) like a family. In my family, i have a brother who I disagree with politically. We don't talk about politics because it just would cause problems. Also, I could argue my side all day long and never convince him I was right.

In the past few days I have seen people at VM alienated by "discussions" about politics and religion. No good can come from this, I guarantee it.

I agree, Larry.
On "another forum" there's no shortage of assholes making blanket statements, and insulting/alienating half of the members. I'm an engineer, and I respect facts and data. I'm fed up "over there" with assholes who have never picked up an ECON 101 book, read the Constitution (or heaven forbid, the Bible), and yet pretend to be effing experts on everything. And the sad part is, data or logic is completely irrelavent to them. I'm seeing that shit starting to creep into this site.
I like this site due to the number of hand-on types here. I enjoy seeing the progression of peoples' projects, and I can do without reading about their particular philosophies in life.
Building a car takes talent. Running your mouth doesn't.
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I agree, Larry.
On "another forum" there's no shortage of assholes making blanket statements, and insulting/alienating half of the members. I'm an engineer, and I respect facts and data. I'm fed up "over there" with assholes who have never picked up an ECON 101 book, read the Constitution (or heaven forbid, the Bible), and yet pretend to be effing experts on everything. And the sad part is, data or logic is completely irrelavent to them. I'm seeing that shit starting to creep into this site.
I like this site due to the number of hand-on types here. I enjoy seeing the progession of peoples' projects, and I can do without reading about their particular philosophies in life.
Building a car takes talent. Running your mouth doesn't.

Well said Mike. When we started VM, we actually tried to discourage off topic PR&C controversy. There is a sticky that is one of the oldest posts at VM and one of the least read:


I hope we can get back to the subject matter that makes VM different than most forums and hope we can get away from the crap that is like all the other forums. There is absolutely nothing positive that results from it.

Also, I am with you on the "information" expressed in these topics. Not taking sides here but some fact checking might help (regardless of political/religious belief).

Bottom line. We have almost 2 1/2 months to go before this election and probably more controversy after that. There are WAAAAAAY better places for people to post this kind of stuff. Also, I hope people realize, a large percentage of members at VM don't even live in the US.
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My solution : split offtopic into offtopic and politic.
From there I'd be more than happy to be banned from posting politic, that way I won't be tempted. :wink:
My solution : split offtopic into offtopic and politic.
From there I'd be more than happy to be banned from posting politic, that way I won't be tempted. :wink:

Did you read the posting guidlines?

I'll say it again, there is absolutely no interest in a PR&C section at VM. It will never happen. Again, there are certainly much larger forums for you to post that kind of stuff.
Personally, I don't get a lot of the above.
We're all big boys here, and if you see a post you don't like, DON'T read it.
If it is in FACT offenceive, get it removed.
But if it is just a different opinion, put on your big boy pants and live with it.
If you make a statement, you have to be prepared for a rebuttal.
My solution : split offtopic into offtopic and politic.
From there I'd be more than happy to be banned from posting politic, that way I won't be tempted. :wink:

Did you read the posting guidlines?

I'll say it again, there is absolutely no interest in a PR&C section at VM. It will never happen. Again, there are certainly much larger forums for you to post that kind of stuff.
Yeah, I read it, but it's just there's a discrepancy between the rules and what's happening.
Basically you're saying that all those passioned discussions we had recently and that started as focused on politic subjects should have been removed from the very beginning?
Why didn't it happened? Because no one reported them as such, or because you didn't find them (as admins) infringing the guidelines?
I'm NOT pointing finger at anyone, I just want to understand how it (should?) work.
My solution : split offtopic into offtopic and politic.
From there I'd be more than happy to be banned from posting politic, that way I won't be tempted. :wink:

Did you read the posting guidlines?

I'll say it again, there is absolutely no interest in a PR&C section at VM. It will never happen. Again, there are certainly much larger forums for you to post that kind of stuff.

I know this is your house so I will respect how you choose to have things. I don't post on big sites because of all the jackasses. This is a small group of people I am familiar with, some of whom I respect even if our opinions vary. I can understand you not wanting this sort of discussion, the hamb stricktly does not allow any political posts, there is no offtopic page. That forum is significantly more active than this one however. So get rid of OT and problem solved. Btw I noticed you got rid of your lengthy signature line that was very political, before taking this stand against political threads.
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