How about these "Government" Jobs ?

Geoff Coenen

Well-known member
Apr 17, 2009
Stratford CT
Run the TVA (Tennessee Valley Authority) $10,400,000.00 a year - yes 10 million
Run SoCalifonia Water Dept $750,000.00 a year and let the city burn down
Many Public School Superintendents $300,000.00 a year - and the more money they pay these slugs - the worse the Reading and Math scores.
WTF happened?
You gotta get with the times. The only thing you need reading for is "texting language" which consists of about 50 words. You can teach a monkey to read 50 words. Any more is just showing off.

The only thing you need math for is .................... nothing.

The only thing important is how to build your "brand".
The FBI stated that 5,000 FBI agents (out of the 13,000 total FBI agents) worked on the Jan 6, 2020 Fedsurrection - holy cow - they didn't arrest 5,000 people, didn't confiscate a single gun and the only person murdered by a gun was Ashley Babbit - shot by a "bad cop". WTF were they actually doing?

Other PHONY news - CAA - the talent agency in kalifornia that represents the hollyweed cream of the crap actors, actresses and trannies signed joe biden for speeches - LOL my ass off and publish books - LOL my ass off. These phony bastards are the problem. At first I thought it was crack head hunter being signed - by no it's his father - a demented grifter who can't walk or talk but chits his pants.
Public Benefit - My Azz

The CT government has added this leftist program to have CT electric bill payers also have to pay for people who don’t pay their own electric bill. I’ve been whacked by this on my bills.

So I looked for the CT governors contact and sent this to Gov. Ned Dud Lamont

“Public Benefit - FK U “progressives” - you and Ganin, etc. (mayor of largest city re-elected 3x after 7 years in Fed prison for corruption) only get elected by cheating, fraud and fooling the “poor” and eviscerating the real workers. You are DEI - didn’t earn it - right down to Susan Biscowitz - not eligible last time she ran and now CT Lt Governor . And how about that ex CT Education Comm. Went to DC and brought all his boys and men is girls sport, bathrooms and locker rooms mentality. NY & PA are turning RED. Ct is going next.

PS Last year this CT governor violated his own climate change environmental zoning policies and had a large area of trees illegally removed so his Greenich residence could have an unobstructed view of the LI Sound waterfront. Said he "din't no nutting bout the tree company doing the dirty ...

‘nother BS - rules for thee - but not for me
Did not want to start another gripe -
but there are 5" of snow at 12:15 AM and it is supposed to end around 6 AM.
I'll plow then.
Found this on Citizen Free Press.
I'm writing TRUMP to plead for an Executive Order retroactively banning this invention. - "lady's bicycle"
