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How many of you use gloves while wrenching

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However, latex gloves turn to shit not long after coming into contact with a doctor who sticks his finger up your bum ...

There I fixed it for ya' ..... :nuts::smash::smash:

I don't wear them as often as I should.....actually....rarely.
Probably wouldn't have all these scares that I do if I did.....Duh! :)

But I have had certain body fillers cause me to break out on my hands.
Had me baffled for the longest till I started comparing notes with some
of the other techs and found they were having the same issues.

We had been trying some other putties..."Dolphin Glaze" ...."Icing" and these
were determind to be causing the problems. When we switched back to
"Evercoat Metalglaze" the rash went away.

Just a heads up for any of you who might be experiencing any of these
Thanks for the fix John :lol:

I don't wear gloves using body filler but I'm probably not quite using as much as you! Do you find it really drys your skin right out?
The humidity here is pretty high so having my skin dry out from the filler isn't a problem. the winter months I do have some problems but it is generally
related to the hand soaps we use.

I have hear numerous times that 1 exposure to Lacquer Thinner has the same
effect on your kidneys as consuming a 6 pack of beer. Meaning....just getting
the thinner on your immediately goes into your blood stream.

I think of the times I have "washed" my hands with the stuff....:nuts:
I don't do it anymore.......I am good to always wear gloves when ever I paint today.
One of the problems with all this catalyzed stuff and otherwise nowdays is it eats your brain cells and you don't even get a buzz anymore. It's gotta be bad for you. :sweat:
So far it's been mostly bare hands for me. The main problem is that I have an office job and no one I work with works with their hands. So on Monday's I often show up with black fingernails,etc. It kinda turns off some of the people I work with. I explain that it's not anything bacterially unclean, its just carbon from grease,oil, etc. The explanation doesn't help.

Maybe I should try some of the Mechanix gloves. My next dirty job is to remove the rear suspension of my 70.

One problem I have with my hands, is that my fingers get numb when the air temperature is in the low 60's. Maybe this is a circulation problem that the gloves will solve.

I notice I can get a reaction when I'm exposed over a long time to laquer thinner (mostly aceton). I get puffy bags under my eyes, that's probably some sort of kidney or liver reaction. I often wonder if I'm creating a liver problem. Here in California, the lacquer has the standard cancer warning. Unfortunately, for California, its a cry wolf situation, since just about everything has a cancer warning.
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