Charter Member, Founder Bird-Run, Cruise-In Bird-R
I can't wait till someone shows that green house gasses are reponsible for the decline of Pirates. :lol:. Anyone remember that thread?

No, electric is electric.
A hybrid uses regenerative braking, electric motor, batteries, and a small engine/gen to charge in transit.
As for the "Grid", the strain on the grid is weekdays noon till 5PM. Jim will verify that fact. Most commuters would be driving at that time. Charging an electric vehicle would be "off peak" at night. I have installed these charging stations, and "Believe" they are 30 amp,120volt.
30 amp@220 is only 9 hp.....need about 50-100 to drive a car....
how does this all equate the grid can handle the loading??
300 amps at 220 to get me 90 hp.....being we drain a typical homes panel at 150 amps.....
true regenerative braking can save a bit....but I still don't see it as a long term solution, especially with the notorious unreliablity of batteries....
hell I cant even get much out of a garage door opener....
So, Bird, after a few beers are you a hybird? :lol:
I am saying the rate of charge would be 30 amps, 120volt, for about 10 hours. I could also be full of sh+t, because I am no expert.
I am quite sure the grid idles at 50% of peak load at night. Industry is quite idle at night. Most home use is heating/cooling.
Turtle would have the figures somewhere.
I think anyone who makes an old car or anything else live on is doing the earth a favor, not an injustice as these liberals are trying to get everyone to think.