Ok guys, got my flight/car booked.
Here is the the program, the timing it still hypothetical:
landing at LAX march 16th late.
The day after, go to SF, by the interstate, of maybe through Fresno ?(you tell me)
Spend a day or two in the SF area (Mike)
Back to LA via the coastal road, stop at Santa Cruz.(KidVette)
Spend a day or two in LA, crash at lifelong-friend's place in Santa Ana.
Head east, stop at Las vegas (CD)
Then go see as much park as remaining time allows.
Head back to LA, leave 1st of April.
Guest room crashing opportunities are welcome, my wife and I are a nice, entertaining, fully housebroken couple.

Can't wait to spend some good time with you guys, dinner, drinks, sightseeing, it's up to you.:drink: