How's California in March?

Don't know if would work for you to fly into and then out of Vegas but sometimes I am amazed at how cheap flights to and from Vegas can be compared to other cities. Vegas may be subsidizing flights.


I suspect the hotels are paying..... to keep flights cheap and people coming....
I'm pretty sure of this, anything that's not gambling related is subsidized, food drink lodging. Last time I went there, as someone who see gambling as a "idiocy tax", I spent my whole day playing arcade games, they had all the newest one and they cost pennies to play. I guess they're also subsidizing parents' peace of mind while they're wasting away college saving.:push:
If you think you will be visiting the Grand Canyon, look into the National Parks Hotel on the north rim. It is beautiful--a genuinly rustic depression era CCC built lodge & cabins. You can sit on the patio for days just looking over the canyon or take hikes & road trips and come back to a 4 star dinner and sleep in a cozy little log cabin. You must approach from the north though, can't get to it from the south side. Reservations fill up fast, so call very soon--and it may not even be open yet in March. It's 1000 feet higher than the south rim, in the mountains, and gets closed by snow every year.
Zion & Bryce Canyon Nat'l Parks are fairly close (in American west terms!) and Monument Valley (where many classic westerns were filmed) is in the four corners area.

Edit: Woops, I misread--I was thinking you were going to tour SLC and the southwest as well. Well, that can be another trip......
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Ok guys, got my flight/car booked.
Here is the the program, the timing it still hypothetical:

landing at LAX march 16th late.
The day after, go to SF, by the interstate, of maybe through Fresno ?(you tell me)
Spend a day or two in the SF area (Mike)
Back to LA via the coastal road, stop at Santa Cruz.(KidVette)
Spend a day or two in LA, crash at lifelong-friend's place in Santa Ana.
Head east, stop at Las vegas (CD)
Then go see as much park as remaining time allows.
Head back to LA, leave 1st of April.
Guest room crashing opportunities are welcome, my wife and I are a nice, entertaining, fully housebroken couple.:D
Can't wait to spend some good time with you guys, dinner, drinks, sightseeing, it's up to you.:drink:
I have an upcoming project in SoCal- it was supposed to be last November, put off until January, then mid-Feburary, but it still hasn't shown up on the radar. Be a hoot if it happens about the time Denpo gets there.
I have an upcoming project in SoCal- it was supposed to be last November, put off until January, then mid-Feburary, but it still hasn't shown up on the radar. Be a hoot if it happens about the time Denpo gets there.
Our schedule is not cast into concrete, let's make it happen!
Arriving at LAX on the 16th and then you want to make it to SF in only one day ?? That's a 7hr drive without traffic or sightseeing stops.... I'd add a day and see Yosemite on the way there...
Arriving at LAX on the 16th and then you want to make it to SF in only one day ?? That's a 7hr drive without traffic or sightseeing stops.... I'd add a day and see Yosemite on the way there...
Sounds like a good idea. Thanks
Fresno is a little out of the way and boring to boot. Coming up Hwy 5 is fast but VERY boring. If you want to stop at Yosemite, Hwy 5 or 99 are the routes of choice.

Hwy 101 is a little more scenic but not much. Either one is a number of hours (at least 6) even if you drive like a lunatic.

Once you get here, I'm sure I can find something for you to do.
Ok guys, got my flight/car booked.
Here is the the program, the timing it still hypothetical:

landing at LAX march 16th late.
The day after, go to SF, by the interstate, of maybe through Fresno ?(you tell me)
Spend a day or two in the SF area (Mike)
Back to LA via the coastal road, stop at Santa Cruz.(KidVette)
Spend a day or two in LA, crash at lifelong-friend's place in Santa Ana.
Head east, stop at Las vegas (CD)
Then go see as much park as remaining time allows.
Head back to LA, leave 1st of April.
Guest room crashing opportunities are welcome, my wife and I are a nice, entertaining, fully housebroken couple.:D
Can't wait to spend some good time with you guys, dinner, drinks, sightseeing, it's up to you.:drink:

Hmmm. . .we're flying out early on the 21st to spend a week with my daughter in VA. Looks like its going to be tight.
Ok guys, got my flight/car booked.
Here is the the program, the timing it still hypothetical:

landing at LAX march 16th late.
The day after, go to SF, by the interstate, of maybe through Fresno ?(you tell me)
Spend a day or two in the SF area (Mike)
Back to LA via the coastal road, stop at Santa Cruz.(KidVette)
Spend a day or two in LA, crash at lifelong-friend's place in Santa Ana.
Head east, stop at Las vegas (CD)
Then go see as much park as remaining time allows.
Head back to LA, leave 1st of April.
Guest room crashing opportunities are welcome, my wife and I are a nice, entertaining, fully housebroken couple.:D
Can't wait to spend some good time with you guys, dinner, drinks, sightseeing, it's up to you.:drink:

Santa Ana is 10 minutes from 8 of us.:D
Fresno is a little out of the way and boring to boot. Coming up Hwy 5 is fast but VERY boring. If you want to stop at Yosemite, Hwy 5 or 99 are the routes of choice.

Hwy 101 is a little more scenic but not much. Either one is a number of hours (at least 6) even if you drive like a lunatic.

Once you get here, I'm sure I can find something for you to do.

Book a spot in line for him, at the gay day parade/protest/whatever.....:rofl::rofl::loveletter:
Fresno is a little out of the way and boring to boot. Coming up Hwy 5 is fast but VERY boring. If you want to stop at Yosemite, Hwy 5 or 99 are the routes of choice.

Hwy 101 is a little more scenic but not much. Either one is a number of hours (at least 6) even if you drive like a lunatic.

Once you get here, I'm sure I can find something for you to do.

Book a spot in line for him, at the gay day parade/protest/whatever.....:rofl::rofl::loveletter:
I heard it's called "walking down the street" in SF. I'd rather go for the unusual, like this Conservative Museum I heard about. Looks like they keep old crazy folks of historical interest in cages for display, with Ronald Reagan speeches as ambient sound to recreate their natural habitat.
Or maybe it was in Portland OR, dunno, mammories fading :bonkers::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Fresno is a little out of the way and boring to boot. Coming up Hwy 5 is fast but VERY boring. If you want to stop at Yosemite, Hwy 5 or 99 are the routes of choice.

Hwy 101 is a little more scenic but not much. Either one is a number of hours (at least 6) even if you drive like a lunatic.

Once you get here, I'm sure I can find something for you to do.

Book a spot in line for him, at the gay day parade/protest/whatever.....:rofl::rofl::loveletter:
I heard it's called "walking down the street" in SF. I'd rather go for the unusual, like this Conservative Museum I heard about. Looks like they keep old crazy folks of historical interest in cages for display, with Ronald Reagan speeches as ambient sound to recreate their natural habitat.
Or maybe it was in Portland OR, dunno, mammories fading :bonkers::rofl::rofl::rofl:


I saw you in that vid, dancing with someone, but couldn't tell the sex of your partner there.....
Ok, departure time is approaching.
My wife want to see the desert first, so we'll go first to Las Vegas, do our canyon trip, go back to LA, and then see if we still have juice for a trip to SF.
CD, expect us in Las Vegas the 17th or 18th, PMing you.
Kid, too bad, looks like we won't make it. Enjoy you vacations too.:beer:
24th or 25th, we should be in Santa Ana for a couple of days.
As long as I get Wifi I'll post update and check my PMs.
First vacations in 6 years, West Coast, don't disapoint!:D