Hydrogen Generator


Mar 24, 2008
western . AZ
I put this subject here as every one can have there say.

The price of fuel is getting to an insane point, least say your wallet is much lighter. Hydrogen generators are being build and adapted to present engines. What is being said, 40% better mileage, clean emissions and all the standard hype. Seeing I'm not into spending my money on another scam in a bottle here are some questions for those who are using it now.

Questions: Who has it installed now, what was the change in Octane, What did it do to performance, what was your installation final cost, How many hours to install, Are you seeing an increase in your mileage, and of course a million other questions.

I found the information and prices for how to convert books $49.00,, Get this, $2000.00 for a complete conversion kit, LMFAO for what you get! All parts can be bought at hardware store and auto parts store. Unless your lazy and want to pay $ 2K,

We have one guy, who I haven't met , designed and built his own. Claims it works, Well What is your input.

In no way am I promoting this product.
Water, a battery, and a Quaker Oats box. Do a little hydrolsis and make your own hydrogen. Fill the Quaker Oats box up with hydrogen. Take it out to the front yard and light 'er off. Will rattle windows big time.

I think it'd be like the guys using LNG or Propane- heavy tanks, a pressure regulator that's heated, and a liquid/gas convertor type carb.
I did a Google search and didn't find anything except "snake oil". No one spells out any details. It's all crap...

Here's the catch: Hydrogen doesn't exist in nature in pure form - it's always combined with other elements - mainly Oxygen in water. It takes more energy to separate the hydrogen from oxygen than you get back when when you burn the hydrogen again, so you're not going to power a car with hydrogen as a source. The hydrogen can only act to temporarily hold energy that was generated by some other means.
switch2hydro above does state that it takes 2 daze to make enough gas for their smallet bottles....so if you had say 4 of their systems, ....hummmm

interesting concept, anyway...need figgers to see if it's truly useful for ME....:skeptic::clobbered:
I did a Google search and didn't find anything except "snake oil". No one spells out any details. It's all crap...

Here's the catch: Hydrogen doesn't exist in nature in pure form - it's always combined with other elements - mainly Oxygen in water. It takes more energy to separate the hydrogen from oxygen than you get back when when you burn the hydrogen again, so you're not going to power a car with hydrogen as a source. The hydrogen can only act to temporarily hold energy that was generated by some other means.

Gasoline is only 25% efficient (diesel is at 45%), not to mention the huge costs and energy it takes to refine it from crude oil. If anything hydrogen is a hundred times more easy to make then gasoline. Merely requiers distilled water and electricity.

BMW is way ahead of most other manufacturers and has had a hydrogen combustion engine ready for mass production since late 2006. You should really check out their H2R and most certainly the BMW760i (see Jay Leno's website for a movie of his): the first production car which runs on hydrogen.

In my country, there are quite a few alternative fuel projects. For example the city of Amsterdam is running three city busses on hydrogen (fuel cell though). Furthermore IKEA maintanence personell is driving Opel Zafira's with GM's new hydrogen fuel cell 'HydroGen3'.

Besides that you can already fill your tank with hydrogen in California and the governator is well known for his H2 Hummer.

In my opinion hydrogen currently has the most chance of becoming a serious alternative to gasoline, although they do still need to make proper work of mass production and distribution.