Hyper meltdown over at CF! Lot's of laughs!

No word censor here LOL... (not even digitalcorvettes is censored out like they have censored vettemod hahahahaha)

You can say fuck at DigitalCorvettes but you can't say VetteMOD:wink:

They must be afraid of something :D:D:D

That's stupid. You can't say fuck Vettemod at DC, but you CAN say fuck DC at VM.:bounce:
damn I missed ALL the fireworks, I did however find a forum where the pages actually load slower than they do at CF....I looked high and low at bannedcampforum and couldn`t find any CF reference, I did manage to find the GILF pagent....anyone have the exact place at BCF where Apex unloaded on his two favorite people...cor07vette and savewave??
If you go to my previous post and cut and paste the two links together in your address bar, it will take you to the BCF thread.:thumbs:
Mind you, the CF thread is dead as a doorknob.
BBT, are you talking about over at BCF? You do have to join to view threads but that just means type in an e-mail address and submit.
It was entertaining.... and likely there will be more shows. Apex is pretty pissed and really wants to irritate the admins over there. I can't say that I blame him.
Can somebody please save the pages next time ??? I missed all the good stuff....LOL

If you go over to banned camp and sign up (see address earlier in thread) and head to the dirty secrets, it's linked up over there. Make sure to introduce yourself over there.
No word censor here LOL... (not even digitalcorvettes is censored out like they have censored vettemod hahahahaha)

You can say fuck at DigitalCorvettes but you can't say VetteMOD:wink:

They must be afraid of something :D:D:D

That's stupid. You can't say fuck Vettemod at DC, but you CAN say fuck DC at VM.:bounce:


Check out www.vette[B]mod[/B].com for the latest updates on this thread.