I am now an adult

Happy Birthday :bestwishes:

Wish I had a car like yours back when I was your age..... but parents thought it would be a bad influence :rolleyes:
Now is a good time to visit Europe, there you can now legally drink anything you want and go to the red light district. Beer is legal at 16, hard drinks and hookers at 18 :1st::1st:
So paying for it is legal in Europe? Well I guess a form of paying for it is legal here to, its called marriage.

Happy Late Birthday

Yep.....my daughter turned 16 as well.....but you'll never meet her :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Talk about growing up........when I was in my 20s....everyone thought I was
actually in my 30s.........now in my 40s, folks think I'm still in my 30s......:confused:
What's up with that????? :huh: :suicide: