It's a shame that people are lining up to turn their backs on GM. GM has been supplying us with the cars we wanted to buy for years. We had an economic decline with a simultaneous increase in fuel prices. Now fuel prices are low (compared to worldwide prices) but we don't have any money.
So, in true American style, we have focused our energy on identifying just who is responsible for our problems rather than doing something about them. And, have identified GM as the culprit because (years ago) they didn't see the future economic collapse and increase in fuel prices! Jeeez, get a crystal ball GM.
So are they guilty? Maybe they are guilty of providing us with the cars we wanted and guilty of their inability to see into the future.
It doesn't really matter what the problem is as long as we identify the guilty. So, take that GM! As Gene would say, case closed.
you're totally missing the point. GM made some really stupid decisions that got them into this position. some of those decisions were made 20 or 30 years ago. some were made 2 or 3 years ago.
as for not supporting GM, i don't support any company that is a wholy owned subsidiary of the gov. while GM isn't there yet, it's close enough that the private interest has no control and once they cut their losses, it will be. i don't care if the ONLY car produced is the corvette, if .gov owns controlling interest i'd rather see it die like it deserves. the world will be a better place.
I don't blame GM as much as the .gov for not ensuring a level playing field with overseas operations...JAPAN is the most glaring example, the daze of the cold war and supporting weaker but important industrial societies are OVER with by 20 years now, time to start some protectionism....long since....the only group of people to profit from all this import crap is the longshoremen's union for the working stiffs.....all the rest are on the street looking at their abandoned plant that USED to pay a living wage.....
It is most obvious to me for some 35 years in the DC region that Ralph Nader and the green weenies he spawned have won the war against GM and the auto companies over some fantasy land 'pollution' bullshit.....
and no one can tell me all that banking horse shit wasn't a plant started by Carter, expanded by Klinton, and now it hits the fan....then people like SOROS get into 'markets' and 'futures' fabrications and create a 'crisis' to kill the weakest homeowners into foreclosure, what is the ONE thing that they can't get along with in suburbia?? triple the price overnight....anyone that bought a house in the last 4-5+ years is now hurting, automatically.....self fulfilling prophesy, the liberal commies won....
so now what?? anyone ever think for a nanosecond they will NOT kill the vette?? the .gov?? they just waiting for the opportune time to make the announcement....when all the rest of the smoke clears, and the sales of the vette already down 50% they will make sure it stays that way, and come up with some reason....but the vette is dead, the green weenies HATE it,
Look into the eyes of them liberals on cap hill, tell me that Pelosi and Reid are sane, serious as Roebuck, she is a old crazed drug head, look at her, she is fried, so is Reid.....the same vacuous dead stare my nephew has, drugs laced with LSD/whatEVER, same stupid thought processes, brain fried....that's today's congressional leadership.....
and about 1/2 the population too, I may add.....