I don't care about GM...

UNtrue, but that's the popular perception, THAT is true....

today any car doint 100k miles is a hero, shit, anything can do THAT....250k is more like it....

but sheeple dunno that....


The world according to Gene again. Toyota built up to be bigger than GM on a misnomer. I guess the whole world is full of shit.

In a way, yes, they made and because they are unibody still do make basically disposable cars....public gets tired of any car after ten years...typical miles are about 100k by then, thing set outside in a couple NE snowbanks, rust takes it apart....but there with unibody, i'ts terminal...like my old BIL who bought a Volvo out on Long Island years ago, thought he had a winner, when the thing fell in two pieces, literally....he found out about unibody, the damage is not just cosmetic...

GM stealers are mostly full of shit, for sure....IMO, they did more to kill off GM than any other factor,

I look back on all the cars I have had, the best overall service has been from a GM car....course I am a hotrodder, and demanded more too, but WTF, I DID change oil once every few years too.....:tomato: