if my gas pedal could talk (or why i hate automatics)

Gene, every single one of the problems you described can be fixed with the correct selection of parts. The only one that gets a bit iffy is the 1-2 shift, that 1st gear is so low, (works out to about a 6.12 thru the convertor) but it can be slowed down too. Make the tires bark everytime it makes the 1-2:cool:
Gene, every single one of the problems you described can be fixed with the correct selection of parts. The only one that gets a bit iffy is the 1-2 shift, that 1st gear is so low, (works out to about a 6.12 thru the convertor) but it can be slowed down too. Make the tires bark everytime it makes the 1-2:cool:

Well the guy who built it in '97, here in Jax...did it with a Superior/Fairbanks kit, and I maybe curious to drive a 700 with a TRANS GO kit, like the one I have in the 200 in the car now....

I would imagine from past experiences that 700 was not built right....I been running Trans Go for years with no problems....first one NOT using them and I got shitty results....when redoing the 3/4 clutch pack, I got interested in changing that out...but the brain plate was drilled...so no go...didn't know WTF I was doing....Wasn't going to combine two/three control concepts...

Gene, every single one of the problems you described can be fixed with the correct selection of parts. The only one that gets a bit iffy is the 1-2 shift, that 1st gear is so low, (works out to about a 6.12 thru the convertor) but it can be slowed down too. Make the tires bark everytime it makes the 1-2:cool:

Well the guy who built it in '97, here in Jax...did it with a Superior/Fairbanks kit, and I maybe curious to drive a 700 with a TRANS GO kit, like the one I have in the 200 in the car now....

I would imagine from past experiences that 700 was not built right....I been running Trans Go for years with no problems....first one NOT using them and I got shitty results....when redoing the 3/4 clutch pack, I got interested in changing that out...but the brain plate was drilled...so no go...didn't know WTF I was doing....Wasn't going to combine two/three control concepts...


It's not the 700R Gene. After adjusting my governor 3 trimes, and the TVS cable 3-4 times, and installing hydraulic lock up controls, my 700R is VERY satisfactory. The local guys will tell you my little 200HP car is VERY fast across an intersection, and does NOT downshift at WOT all the time.
Just because YOU had a bad rebuild DOES NOT make the 200R superior. GM made the 700R LONG after they quit making a 200R.
Gene, every single one of the problems you described can be fixed with the correct selection of parts. The only one that gets a bit iffy is the 1-2 shift, that 1st gear is so low, (works out to about a 6.12 thru the convertor) but it can be slowed down too. Make the tires bark everytime it makes the 1-2:cool:

Well the guy who built it in '97, here in Jax...did it with a Superior/Fairbanks kit, and I maybe curious to drive a 700 with a TRANS GO kit, like the one I have in the 200 in the car now....

I would imagine from past experiences that 700 was not built right....I been running Trans Go for years with no problems....first one NOT using them and I got shitty results....when redoing the 3/4 clutch pack, I got interested in changing that out...but the brain plate was drilled...so no go...didn't know WTF I was doing....Wasn't going to combine two/three control concepts...


It's not the 700R Gene. After adjusting my governor 3 trimes, and the TVS cable 3-4 times, and installing hydraulic lock up controls, my 700R is VERY satisfactory. The local guys will tell you my little 200HP car is VERY fast across an intersection, and does NOT downshift at WOT all the time.
Just because YOU had a bad rebuild DOES NOT make the 200R superior. GM made the 700R LONG after they quit making a 200R.

I think somethng funky in the shift kit they put in Superior/Fairbanks...got no where else to go with it....I dunno how else I could have adjusted that t-cable either, either it hardly ever upshifted/and kicked down silly often, OR the 1-2 was way early.... I got a 'liveable' balance and lived with it....

now my '87 vette the 700 acted more normal, not a issue, ever....course the '87 probably had the mild gearset, and this car has the stock 336 gear set...so I know it's going to act different there....

this 200 with Trand Go is more attuned to the car.....:beer:
I have a 08 C6 auto. I have a problem driving it aggressively on the freeway, particularly changing lanes. OK, I see an opening ahead on an adjacent lane and want to merge. I give the car a good bit of throttle, the tranny downshifts and I get a comfortable but strong acceleration. This situation lasts for about 1 second. I'm now merging into the adjacent lane pulling in behind of a leading car. Now, without having changed the throttle setting, the car downshifts again and goes to almost full throttle. Tremendous acceleration surge. Several times I've had to step on the brake peddle to keep from running into the car ahead. I think this one second delay is preprogrammed...ok, (thinks the computer) you've selected full throttle...are you sure? I'll give you a good bit of acceleration, (computer thinking again) and if you've still got your foot floorboarding the gas peddle a second later then I'll give you full throttle. I've pretty much decided that for aggressive freeway driving, I'll use the paddle shifters. It's really hard to control the auto transmission...you never know when it's going to down shift and with the fly-by-wire trottle, you don't know how the computer is going to interpret your command.
There must be some really funky ass logic in these newer GM fly by wire type vehicles. The newer vehicles I have are Fords, a 99 and an 04 Van, both V-8's and I have non of this nonsense (I have other nonsense). From what I am reading you all seem to be experiencing the same thing.
There must be some really funky ass logic in these newer GM fly by wire type vehicles. The newer vehicles I have are Fords, a 99 and an 04 Van, both V-8's and I have non of this nonsense (I have other nonsense). From what I am reading you all seem to be experiencing the same thing.

'99 Exploder the other day, wife's SIL, starter, must have been 50 billion fuses and relays in that thing, WTF they need 25 fuses and a dozen relays for???

Wife's escort, got a Bosch labeled on a 'engine control' module, under the aircleaner....looking at the wiring diagram, I"m surprised someone don't come up with a 50 buck aftermarket jumper module to take the entire thing outta there and toss that 250 buck POS.....

GM does the same thing...body control computer buried up under inside, need a stick of dynamite to find it....:censored: and what is so critical about a CAR BODY it needs a fucking computer to control it????

think it was the space shuttle....and somehow I suspect it's not any better today...humm....:censored::gurney:

it was a classic starter take the wrench and bang the solenoid, now that cheeeep POS starter, 160 bux.....but it's lifetime warranty .....
GENE, everything you said is the reason why my c3 may be the newest car i ever own from now on. the car does exactly what i tell it to and it's too stupid to do anything else. the last thing any of us need when we drive is something else, especially the car, arguing with what we want it to do.
GENE, everything you said is the reason why my c3 may be the newest car i ever own from now on. the car does exactly what i tell it to and it's too stupid to do anything else. the last thing any of us need when we drive is something else, especially the car, arguing with what we want it to do.

MUCH less a 'backseat driver' or in our case Passenger seat.....:quote::hissyfit:

ought to hear the couple across the street go at it....:amazed::smash: Linda and I wanted outta the car with them some time ago....he was driving....:censored:
i think Tim has it figured out. pretty much what i mean. these small inputs that you get with a direct connection not only from your right foot to the throttle but all the way out to the drive wheels.
It just seems to require more throttle input than the vette does. Like when I'm on the freeway and, as Tim puts it, I come up on those roller hills, i'll just ease into the throttle and i don't seem to get much of a throttle response. i go a little further, then further, then a little further, then WHAM! it's downshifting to like double low.
mrs. 'dust teases me that i'm the only person she knows who can't drive an automatic!

That's the way our work trucks are, and it never fails, I'll want to speed up to highway speed after going through a town with the owner of our company in the back seat, so I'll push the pedal a bit and nothing, a little bit more and nothing, then I push it some more and now the engine is roaring at 4000 RPM and I'm getting that "look" from the backseat.:censored: