Horsepower limits for the street. Dep, I didn't know you were a left wing liberal. :rofl::rofl: What should the limit be there green peace buddy? 50? 100HP? 200HP? 300HP?:smash::smash::smash:
Nope, not advocating that at all. I am a far right Tea Party Patriot. I simply see no purpose or logic in spending a fortune to make a car go extremely fast where there are SPEED LIMITS. :banghead:
Neither do I, so lets remove the speed limits....seriously, really....
Unfortunately they repaved a very ancient much patched up yellow striper street into this burb here, about a mile long, and of course the idiots laying out the joint 40+ years ago, put this stupid elementary school on the main road, just to be dumb, instead of setting it off to the edge of the development like would be logical....for traffic control reasons....
so anyway, there have been 4 sets of rumble strips in the road since I been here 15 years now, and they had some thankful failures in them, so if I picked my path, I could avoid the worst of them.....well as any driver worth a flip knows, the faster you go, the better on the car...
so these new ones are much worse and of course the nazis had to install the POS car destroying crap, as if any 6 y/o kid dunno not to run into the street....SO we tried back routes through to get around the main feeder, another mile or so outta the way, too many stop signs, so I tried something....
HIT that road at nothing less than 30 mph and the vette is fine, of course it's marked 15 during skool's such a cluster fuck then it don't matter if it was 2 mph...all them damn minivans and about we take child molesters out back and shoot them? so the mommies can let the kids walk like MY old ornery ass used to do?? too boot I used to be a school safety patrol, one of the kids with a belt.....:rofl::goodnight:
SO to find that road is still marked 25 mph, instead of 35 like it SHOULD be....
so to avoid the time of day travel.....and hit them bumps at 30-35 mph, and it's actually not bad on the car....thanks Bilstein.....
trick IS what to do about the other vehicles....200k miles on the Escort, tire wear normal, suspension tight, wonder what that tactic would be on that car, Miata is a '91 tons of fun for her to drive, not rusted out, so wonder what the best tactic is for her....
always summfin....
:1st: but then again, WTF else to do??:flash: