Indy 500

I suspect you'd need a feeder cable the size of a manhole cover to carry that much current. Figure a minimum of 12 feet to allow for "convenient" parking in the garage. And probably not any 2 of us are tough enough to wrestle that cable into a plug/socket.

"Sorry Dear, I'm waiting on the crane to get here to plug in my battery charger"
I suspect you'd need a feeder cable the size of a manhole cover to carry that much current. Figure a minimum of 12 feet to allow for "convenient" parking in the garage. And probably not any 2 of us are tough enough to wrestle that cable into a plug/socket.

"Sorry Dear, I'm waiting on the crane to get here to plug in my battery charger"

Well, I got impatient waiting for Gene to do the calculations, so I did some more. At 242 MJ. and a 20 minute charge (assuming 100% efficiency, like that ever happens) and plugging into a 240 outlet (unless your house is plumbed for 13.6 kV), the current requirement would be 840 amps. (Hope you got a scattershield around your electric meter!)