Jim's Giovanni

Ralphy -
Clearly correct: The double wishbone is the optimum (to date). I wanted to work on the Giovanni set up and am planning to continue - along that path for the time being.
The interesting thing is, the reports of the setup have belied many of the theoretical critisims. So, when I, Get-er-Dun - I'll take it for a spin and let the tale be told.

But, all the discussion has given me pause to consider a few modifications.
I will revise my Giovanni. I'm not yet ready to scrap it entirely, and it will be a major improvement over teh stock C3. I plan on removing the Chassis Tabs from the inboard locations, and replace with a more adjustable set of C Channel drilled with several alternate locations.

AND, I'll adopt an approach used by Twin Turbo to bring the lower struts into the same plane as the upper and the Half Shafts:

More details when I get back to the shop and get some work done.
Meanwhile I'm going to start another thread where I'd like to discuss mating a C5 rear suspension (Double Wishbone) to a C3 Chassis!

Cheers - Jim
Awesome !!!

I am going to decide which way I'm going with my rear suspension once I have it apart... I'm sure that the stock setup is a huge improvement over the rubbish I currently have but I already have all the parts for adding the upper rods. Too bad that I didn't think about the upper needing to be shorter than the lowers, will have to get two more threaded tubes that are shorter, or cut and re-thread what I've got....

i spent a few minutes under my '79 and one thing I noticed is there's really not much room to work under there, and there's not a whole lot of room for the upper rods - are you sure that bracket you built is going to fit ?
Karsten - its really a body up- if not off effort -- or a sawsall on the interior!;)

Before you buy some more rods - I have a few that were too short for what I wanted - but maybe too short for your needs too then? I also have a set theat are 13 inches too as I recall. In a few weeks - when back home, I measure and post on the site - for sale.

Cheers - Jim
Jim, it's going to be January before I tear this apart but the main issue is that I am not sure which way to go with this.... I am afraid that by the time I have the diff out and the cover removed I might find more stuff that requires "fixin"

I already know my side yokes are worn, it was stupid to reassemble this junk when I had it apart in 2004..... should have fixed it then....

if I continue my plan and add upper strut rods I need the stub axles (yokes) to slide so I'll have to make up my mind some time soon....
Just a tease...

Hmm since NOV…
First I crystallized my focus – This is a going to be track car, some time polish and show – maybe an occasional burger hop – but not a serious contender at the strip - most likely not a DD/Grocery Getter.
Think a Pro-Touring/G-Machine/Panic-Attack.

So here’s the "What’s I've been up to:":trumpet:

Removed the Giovanni
Began doing some major readings and research on IRS systems
Completed Van Valkenburg, and Adams,
Read the applicable sections of Costian & Phillips and Len Terry’s book too
Purchased Miliken and Son ; started - paused
Discovered an IRS-only forum [http://irsforum.boardhost.com/index.php if interested]
Completed Alan Staniforth (1) over Thanksgiving Day, Then Steve Smith's phamplet
Settled my focus on Dual Wishbone/H-Bone approach with Toe control
Recognized I'd require some new tools and skills
Santa’s cute helper brought me a welder – she got BIG KISSES!
New texts for the New Year; Savitske, Scaraba, and Puhn
Studied/compared several software methods for modeling and simulation
Dusted off Rhino did some assembly modeling –
:friends:!!!Thanks to the downloads section and our generous users!!!:friends:
Started designing at the Uprights
Analyzed the front RC to know where to start
Focused on the Rear -- Roll Center, isolated migrations
More software and sim analysis
Got a copy of Rowley's Race Car Engineering, finished Staniforths Road and Rally
Ordered a bunch of SPOHN Del-sphere (Johnny joint- like) rod ends -- I'll be replacing the HEIMS
Bought some steel 2x3 inch
Cut some steel
Welded some steel – Started to make my Subframes (The longrons)
Now near mounting the new sub frames and then cut out the existing outside rails.
Need to make my final design confirmations before I weld them in place!
Last weekend – I used a Plasma Cutter to cut some bits for the uprights. Now - I WANT ONE!!!

Additional things in the mix getting done:
Serpentine for the front of the 383, That is its own hassle with a monster CS144 alternator, and tall valve covers
Now going with ALan Grove and I'll fab a CS144 bracket
Webers & IR Manifold are done and waiting to mount :friends:MAJOR PROPS to Jim Ingleese - the ORIGINAL!:friends:
Designing a Pinion mount Parking/e-Brake (Dual Spot Calipers) – will incorporate on the subframe
Raising the Diff about 1- to - 2 inches (Lowering the chassis – really)
Lowering the fuel tank – keeping option for a fuel cell open
Plans relocate and incorporate the dual mount leaf spring in the new uprights
Shocks – with coil-over assist (if needed) will be pushrod/bell crank actuated
My wheels have been hung up since Jan-Feb at the powdercoater guy – won’t recommend him ever!

Went to a couple of car shows, met with my Weber-builder, in Connecticut, made it to the swap meet at Moultrie, GA!

I say a tease - as I get some pictures done I start a thread and take you through it all. Its been good - but a lot to try and get done on weekends only! (there were only 24 between then and today!)

Cheers - Jim
And Karsten - Thanks for the Prodding!! Your's is lookin' GREAT!
Its been good - but a lot to try and get done on weekends only! (there were only 24 between then and today!)

Hey Jim, my weekends are seven days long now. I'll have more time to play with the cars.....at least till I run out of money. Save me a spot down there. :D


BTW, I still have that trailer, but not sure when we will hook up again. I'll send pics fwiw.